Nothing without Gratitude

Nothing without Gratitudeby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director There is nothing without gratitude. Every breath reminds me to be grateful. I exist because of the ever-expanding impulse of Life. This impulse breathes me – it breathes you! We are the very essence of Life experiencing Itself as you and me. There is only Oneness at every turn. I know, therefore, that truly “all is well.” Life is impulse of the Universe so I know …

All is Well

All Is Wellby Kathy Mathiason, RScP I know that there is only One Love, One power, One presence in the Universe. It is the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Love of the One, the Beloved One I call God. As God is everywhere present in the Universe, I claim that as God is, I am. There is no separation. So, in the sacred space at this sacred time, knowing all is well, I release any fear of …

No Place that God Is Not

No Place that God Is Notby Katy McCree RscP Mother Father God, the eternal presence expressing and creating into infinity. There is no place I can go, that God is not. All truth, love and being, first cause and original life. I think of that one power with its infinite expressions, and I know it is a profound intelligence.   And this presence lives and breathes through me. Inspires, infuses and uplifts me into good …

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

All is Well

All Is Well by Kathy Mathiason, RScP I know that there is only One Love, One power, One presence in the Universe. It is the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Love of the One, the Beloved One I call God. As God is everywhere present in the Universe I claim that as God is, I am. There is no separation. So in the sacred space at this sacred time, knowing all is well, I release any fear …

Treatment for Health

Treatment for Healthby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP I Am Well. Divine Spirit is the motivating Source in the Universe. It is Goodness, Health, Well-Being, Vitality, Balance, Love. In Spirit, all go toward Life and all is vibrantly alive! I am one with Spirit. In the depth of my being, I know that is so. Spirit expresses in, through, and as me. Spirit expresses as my best self. There is no such thing as age in Spirit, …