What Words Have Power over Illness?by Chris Duvall, RScP Words backed by belief have power. Science of Mind teaches that denials and affirmations groove helpful habits of thought, and spiritual mind treatments deliver manifestations. Lives are changed when words reveal Truth. Yet Truth sometimes surprises, because we’ve believed lies for so long. Through 20 years of practicing Science of Mind, I’ve discovered faith-words that I use like prescriptions to combat conditions of ill health. But …
Believing and Living the B’s of Spirituality
Believing and Living the B’s of Spiritualityby Carol S. Helms, RScP “It is unto me as I believe.” How good it is to know that God is always everywhere present; just waiting for us to notice, to pause and contemplate all the blessings that are also always everywhere present. Today, I live, move and have my being in the beauty and business of God; showing up in the world calling forth the beauty and business …
The Fundamentals of Belief
The Fundamentals of Beliefby Lovater Jones, RScP “……..consciousness thought, something we know, feel, think is basic to everything; we are surrounded by a divine and universal Intelligence which receives the impress of our thought and acts upon it creatively. “Mind is the power that moulds and makes And man is mind, and ever more he takes The tool of thought and shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills. …
As We Believe
As We BelieveErnest Holmes, Our Founder A treatment is a spiritual entity in the mental world and is equipped with power and volition—as much power and volition as there is faith in it, given to it by the mind of the one using it—and, operating through the Law, It knows exactly how to work and what methods to use and just how to use them. We do not put the power into this word, but …
Believing and Living the B’s of Spirituality
Believing and Living the B’s of Spiritualityby Carol S. Helms, RScP “It is unto me as I believe.” How good it is to know that God is always everywhere present; just waiting for us to notice, to pause and contemplate all the blessings that are also always everywhere present. Today, I live, move and have my being in the beauty and business of God; showing up in the world calling forth the beauty and business …
What Words Have Power over Illness?
What Words Have Power over Illness?by Chris Duvall, RScP Words backed by belief have power. Science of Mind teaches that denials and affirmations groove helpful habits of thought, and spiritual mind treatments deliver manifestations. Lives are changed when words reveal Truth. Yet Truth sometimes surprises, because we’ve believed lies for so long. Through 20 years of practicing Science of Mind, I’ve discovered faith-words that I use like prescriptions to combat conditions of ill health. But …
Love Bombing the Planet
Love Bombing the Planet by Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister “I believe in the sun, even if it does not shine. I believe in love, even if I do not feel it. I believe in God, even if I do not see Him.” (Written on the wall of the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust.) There is One Spirit that is everywhere equally present. I call it the One and It is known by so many …
I Believe in Myself!
I Believe in Myself! by Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister There is One Life, the Life, the Only Life. This Life is All There Is. I call It to this place right here, right now knowing It responds to me, knowing that It comes as soon as I think Life, God, Love, Peace, and/or any of the other names by which this Life is known. I call Life and peace, love, happiness, health, clarity, joy, …
Affirming My Belief in Self
Affirming My Belief in Self by Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister God is All There Is. It is First Cause, Reality, Truth. It is The Thing Itself and I see It everywhere – in the leaves turning color, in the crisp, cool air of the fall, in all of the hot air balloons, in the moon, and in every face of every person I meet. God is. Because God is, I am. God had a …
The Fundamentals of Belief
The Fundamentals of Belief by Lovater Jones, RScP “……..consciousness thought, something we know, feel, think is basic to everything; we are surrounded by a divine and universal Intelligence which receives the impress of our thought and acts upon it creatively. “Mind is the power that moulds and makes And man is mind, and ever more he takes The tool of thought and shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys or a thousand …