Beyond Fearby Nancy Bowers, RScP Beyond Fear – God is Safety. There is Only One and that One is Love. There is nothing to fear for in this One Life, this One Love, God is Certain. Spirit is Certain of all of it. Of you. Of me. The Father knows Its creation is good, for we are part of Him. So knowing this, I affirm and declare your purity, your safety, your ability to relax …
Beyond Fear
Beyond Fear by Nancy Bowers, RScP Beyond Fear – God is Safety. There is Only One and that One is Love. There is nothing to fear for in this One Life, this One Love, God is Certain. Spirit is Certain of all of it. Of you. Of me. The Father knows Its creation is good, for we are part of Him. So knowing this, I affirm and declare your purity, your safety, your ability to …
Beyond Fear
Beyond Fear Nancy Bowers, RScP The Daily Prayer 12.05.2015 Beyond Fear – God is Safety. There is Only One and that One is Love. There is nothing to fear for in this One Life, this One Love, God is Certain. Spirit is Certain of all of it. Of you. Of me. The Father knows Its creation is good, for we are part of Him. So knowing this, I affirm and declare your purity, your safety, your …