Call on the Help

Call on the Helpby Chris Duvall, RScP Our Science of Mind prayers do not beg for help.Our prayers know that Help is in, as, and through usas Presence, Power, and Intelligence. Help is a four-dimensional Divine Relationshiptranscendent, foundational, horizontal, imminentshining out from Center into every plane.  The Help is always with us, ready, able and willing,but it must be recognized, requested, and reciprocated.You have to hold hands with It. Tell It your secrets and what …

Call on the Help

Call on the Helpby Chris Duvall, RScP Our Science of Mind prayers do not beg for help.Our prayers know that Help is in, as, and through usas Presence, Power, and Intelligence. Help is a four-dimensional Divine Relationshiptranscendent, foundational, horizontal, imminentshining out from Center into every plane.  The Help is always with us, ready, able and willing,but it must be recognized, requested, and reciprocated.You have to hold hands with It. Tell It your secrets and what …