Love and Connectionby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is one Power, one Presence, and one Source of all that is. I call it Spirit or God orLove. This power is the creator that is delightfully giving of itself, always in creatingmode, always giving unconditionally, manifesting, and expressing as all that it creates.This power is ALL love, creativity, and intelligence. This energetic Spirit is right here, right now, and is present wherever I am and whereveryou are. …
Spirit Connects Us
Spirit Connects Usby Teresa Greco, RScP I recognize the presence of Spirit in everyone and in everything. And I recognize the Power of this Entity that is Absolute Love, Peace and Harmony. I know that Joy and Happiness comes from this Presence and has always been available to all who seek It. Its Presence is all there is and exists within everyone. Knowing this, I know that I have always been a part of this …
Love and Connection
Love and Connectionby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is one Power, one Presence, and one Source of all that is. I call it Spirit or God orLove. This power is the creator that is delightfully giving of itself, always in creatingmode, always giving unconditionally, manifesting, and expressing as all that it creates.This power is ALL love, creativity, and intelligence. This energetic Spirit is right here, right now, and is present wherever I am and whereveryou are. …
Connection Warrior
Connection Warriorby Yvette Trujillo, RScP I was touched and inspired this week to watch a small community come together in a little coffee shop up in northern NM. There was nothing prescribed or organized about this gathering… folks simply coming together to grab their morning coffee. It appeared that these people came from all walks of life; some wore business attire, moms with their little ones in tow, a gentleman with his dog who it seemed …
A Treatment for Perfectly Balanced Healthby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Dear Spirit, Mother-Father God, Universal Life Energy, right here and right now I feel your presence intimately, for I know that right where I am, that is where you are. There is no separation, there is no boundary in this Infinite Love in which I live, move, breathe and have my very being. I revel in the knowledge of my connection with all living beings, …
Yearning for Connection
Yearning for Connection by Alicia K. Hanlen Practitioner Emeritus Taos Study Group “I live in the faith that there is a Presence and Power greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine. I know that this Presence is All-knowing and All Power and is Always right where I am” ― Ernest Holmes My heart is opened wide as I prepare for my morning practice. Breathing deeply, I …
Spiritual Warriors of the Truth
Spiritual Warriors of the Truthby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group When there is nothing left to defend, truth is all there is. Don Miguel Ruiz I pause. I breathe in the great I AM. This simple action connects me to the very core of my being, where I know, feel, and accept my connection to my Source. I pause again. I accept that the very energy of Life is love itself — pure, …
Surrender and Acceptance
Surrender and Acceptanceby Liza Kerr, RScP Recognizing that connection with God when you feel great is sometimes easier than feeling it when you are down, but the moment you decide to open yourself to the connection peace settles over you and through you. It is like flipping on a light switch – the electricity is always there waiting to be used, it’s just a matter of allowing it in. So I would say let the light of God …
A Place of Comfort
A Place of Comfort by Alicia K. Hanlen, RScP Taos Study Group Have you ever felt alone, in need of a friend, comfort or support – and didn’t know where to turn? Is there some area of your life that you believe needs healing? Some idea of lack in regards to your health, finances, relationships, or your peace of mind? Even your very connection to your source? Today, in this moment, together let’s put this all …
God is
God isby Nancy Bowers, RScP God is. I pause to allow the fullness of that recognition to settle deep within. God is. That Beingness is Pure and Total Love. Love everlasting. Love that cannot be tarnished. Love that can never be destroyed. Love that is everywhere present and there for the asking. It absolves us of our missteps. It loves regardless. We cannot lose our way, for God leads us. God is and that …