Carol Helms, RScP

Contemplating Ideas; Affirming Lint

Contemplating Ideas; Affirming Lintby Carol S. Helms, RScP Moved by this morning’s reading about ideas, instead of jumping up and into the have-to routine, I decided to sit with and contemplate the idea of ideas. The thought of thinking about ideas invoked a nebulous nudge to my consciousness; a recognition that, like lint, always free-floating all around me, completely oblivious to and unlimited by my insistence and ineffective concepts of time and space. Caught up …

A Time To Contemplate

A Time To  ContemplateBarbara Kraft Hernandez , Former RScP Winter is the season for hibernation, when plants and animals slow down and hide from the cold weather.  Humans are no different. We stay inside more often, some people get depressed with the shorter days and less warmth and sunlight. With this slowing down of activities comes a wonderful opportunity to contemplate ones life as it is and as you want it to be. Its an …

Lesha Kitts, RScP

Something to Contemplate

Something to Contemplate by Lesha Kitts, RScP I guessed by now you all already know how much I enjoy the writings of Hafiz.  Here’s one to contemplate on today, that I just had to share: A Garden Could Rise In Barren Places If you don’t watch out I just might say something you will never forget.  Then what will you do? Those words might organize a gain inside your mind who undertake a strategic plot, …

A Time To Contemplate

  Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, January 11th, 2015 9 AM and 11 AM “The Thing Itself” Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister There is nothing supernatural about the study of Life from the metaphysical viewpoint. If we study whatever seems supernatural, and thoroughly understand it, it will seem “spontaneously natural.” Using this study, we can go deeper in our spiritual practice, heal, and/or live the lives we have …