Taming My Fears: The Decision for God

Taming My Fears: The Decision for Godby Nancy Bowers, RScP God is Good. In this moment, I recognize the power in the presence of God. I remember that Goodness.  I remember that God is all there is and the rest of what I think I see, I made up.  Those perceptions were birthed from fear.  They have no true reality beyond what I have given them. My fears are NOT the truth; they are but …

Taming My Fears: The Decision for God

Taming My Fears: The Decision for Godby Nancy Bowers, RScP God is Good. In this moment, I recognize the power in the presence of God. I remember that Goodness.  I remember that God is all there is and the rest of what I think I see, I made up.  Those perceptions were birthed from fear.  They have no true reality beyond what I have given them. My fears are NOT the truth; they are but …