In The Light of DivineRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries As I raise my awareness, I recognize the presence of the One Loving Source. The Scared Vibration that expresses in all of life is what I choose to call God. This Divine Essence is out-picturing in infinite ways, in humans and animals, in sunshine and rain, in mountains and trees, Truly, God is all there is. And knowing this connection of Spirit to spirit, …
Stop! Look! and Listen
Stop! Look! and Listenby Robyn Rice Olmstead, RScP, ALSP, Emerita(818) 300-3911Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council I stop. In the silence I pause to breathe and remember the beauty, grace and awareness that resides within the One. I look. I see that the glory of God and the Infinite abounds in, as, and through us all. United we stand. United we stand in love and as love. Look at us standing! We are powerful. We …
In Each Breath, Only the Divine
In Each Breath, Only the Divineby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I take a deep breath and feel the calming Presence of the One Loving Source, that Presence which is always there should I but be aware of it. I pause for this moment to be fully aware of that Sacred Energy in every breath I take, flowing in and out, through me and around me and as me. This Thing that Thou …
Feeling into the Presence of Spirit
Feeling into the Presence of Spiritby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director Today I feel into the presence of Spirit everywhere. In the cool air, in the bright sun, in the majestic mountains – the evidence of creation and the creative power of the Universe is around us at every turn. This Power is the essence of who we are. My life is a revelation, an expression, of this Power even as each one who …
All Is Well in the Arms of the Divine
All Is Well In The Arms of the Divineby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I recognize the presence of the One Loving Source, the Divine Vibration that courses throughout the Universe. God is All and All is of God. With Profound Creativity, God is Ever-Expressing and Expanding, unfolding in each time, place, and moment that we call life. And I am part of the sacred life, an expression of the One. I am …
Joy in the Divine
Joy in the Divineby Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL ‘There are no mistakes in the Divine Plan for me. I am joy, peace, andhappiness. I am the spirit of joy within me.’ – Dr. Ernest Holmes Infinite Divine Life, precious Spirit, Mother/Father God. Today I recognize theOne Life, as I unify with it as my very essence. I appreciate that I am surroundedby this all-abiding energy, and it fills me up and …
Basking in the Perfection of the Divine
Basking in the Perfection of the Divine by Robyn Rice-Olmstead, Practitioner Emeritus Taking a moment to bask in the perfection of the divine. Knowing that the “imperfect perfectness” is God. It is Spirit. It is the Peace of a beautiful morning sunrise to the calm of the crashing waves of the ocean. It is present in the chaos and present in the stillness. I recognize that all is Spirit in action and knowing that I …
Prayer Treatment for Health
Prayer Treatment for Healthby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is One Mind, One Power, One Divine Presence that is All-knowing, All-powerful, and everywhere. I know and accept that I am a Divine Center and I choose to see that truth come forth into expression. I also choose to bring forth, expressing right here and now, a physical manifestation of my body temple as being clear, strong, energetic and flexible. I declare into my subconscious mind that …
Prayer for the Coming Year
Prayer for the Coming Yearby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries The Divine Light that is God shines all around me, through me, as me, radiating out love and more love. This Sacred Essence is everywhere; in all people, places, times, and things. For truly God is all there is so I am one with God. Rooted in the Divine, I affirm a deepened expression of the One Loving Source. I grow in compassion …
Divine Creative Source
Divine Creative Source by Kerry Blecha, RScP God, the Divine Creative Source, is revealed in creation. Beauty is a reflection of that Universal Wholeness, which finds harmony in the perfect adjustment of Itself to all of Its parts. Beauty, like greatness, is a thing of the soul, a Spiritual quality, outlined in form, objectified in space. Thus all beings are creative instruments of God. The urge to create is Spirit passing through me and manifesting …