The Edge

The Edge By Yvette Trujillo, RScP Over the winter glaciers, I see the summer glow. And through the wind-piled snowdrift, the warm rosebuds below.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Today I worry about the eager blossoming fruit trees that line my driveway and my own impatient longing for spring. There is a desperation in me after a few beautiful warm and sunny days sparked my hope and fueled my daydreams only to be followed by this …

Maria Dion, RScP --Embracing our own Perfection

Come to the Edge

Come to the Edgeby Maria Dion, RScP “‘Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t. We’re afraid.’ ‘Come to the edge.’ ‘We can’t. We will fall!’ ‘Come to the edge.’ And they came. And he pushed them. And they flew.” –– Guillaume Apollinaire Is there a place in your life where you are holding back, rather than holding the lion’s paw? Is there something — a circumstance, an idea or an old belief that is keeping you …

Yvette Trujillo, RScP

The Edge

The Edge By Yvette Trujillo, RScP Over the winter glaciers, I see the summer glow. And through the wind-piled snowdrift, the warm rosebuds below.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Today I worry about the eager blossoming fruit trees that line my driveway and my own impatient longing for spring. There is a desperation in me after a few beautiful warm and sunny days sparked my hope and fueled my daydreams only to be followed by this …

Come to the Edge

What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living This Sunday, February 10th, 2013 Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister “Money as a Spiritual Idea“ As individuals, we are born with the right to make choices, and born with the ability to always know more – we’re never too old!  In this same way, if all is an expression of life, then money is an …