Ernest Holmes - One with God

“The Christ” is a Universal Presence

“The Christ” is a Universal Presenceby Dr. Ernest Holmes “Christ is the embodiment of divine Sonship which has come, with varying degrees of power, to all people in all ages and to every person in some degree. Christ is a Universal Presence. We do believe that in the unique personage of Jesus, this Christ was more fully orbed than in anyone of whom we have record. We do believe that in the person of Jesus …

Ernest Holmes - One with God

A Riddle Out of Simplicity

A Riddle Out of Simplicityby Ernest Holmes It is a beautiful and true thought to realize that every man stands in the shadow of a mighty Mind, a pure Intelligence, and a Divine givingness! Not alone unto the great comes the soft tread of the Unseen Guest. The arrogant have not perceived the simplicity of faith, but the pure in heart see God. The farmer has seen the Heavenly Host in his fields. The child …

Ernest Holmes - One with God

Attracting Success

Attracting Successby Ernest Holmes “Science of Mind” page 299-300 We mean by demonstration, bringing into our experience something which we had not experienced before; bringing it in as the result of conscious thought; and unless it is possible to do this, our whole science is a mistake and a delusion. Unless there is a divine principle, Universal soul or subjectivity, or medium, which, of itself – -without any help or assistance – -can produce things, …

Ernest Holmes

Evil is Created by Man

Evil is Created by Manby Ernest Holmes, Our Founder Evil is Created by Man (James 1:13) Very emphatically the writer tells us that God never tempts any man. He says that God Cannot be tempted and that all temptation is from our own minds. It could not be stated more plainly. Evil is man created, while God —the Eternal Goodness— knows nothing about it. He is too pure to behold evil and cannot look upon …

Beautiful Dance of Life

Beautiful Dance of Lifeby Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL “Incarnated within each one of us is not only a divine Spark, not only an incarnation of the living Spirit of the Cosmos, but a unique presentation of the Cosmic Whole.” – Ernest Holmes, The Essential Ernest Holmes In this blessed moment, we breathe in Life — all of it. The ups and the downs, questions and answers, love and loss. It is …

Lovater Jones, RScP

Valuing Intuition

Valuing Intuitionby Lovater Jones, RScP “Intuition is God in man [sic], revealing to him the Realities of Being.”  – Ernest S. Holmes God’s way of speaking to us and guiding us is done through us.  The Science of Mind Text says that Spirit cannot work for us in any other way, except through us!  However, It does so ONLY when we recognize It for who and what it is, the VOICE OF GOD!  We must believe …

Gratitude for the Abundance

Gratitude for the Abundanceby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Your state of knowing is what manifests. Whatever you want, you need to get in the “knowing” of having it before it’ll appear in your life.” ~A. C. Winklier, A Conscious Creator’s Guidebook “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ~ Anais Nin “Love is all there is.  The rest we made up.” ~Rev. Patrick Pollard “You can attract only that which …

Today, I am a Success

Today, I am a SuccessKathy Mathiason, RScP “We should expect the best, and so live that the best may become a part of our experience.”Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind There is only Love, one Life, I call God. It is the Divine Intelligence and Sacred Essence in, around, through and as everything. It is forever creating more of Itself out of Itself. I know that I am a part of everything in this Universe. I am …

Count Your Blessings

Count Your BlessingsAlicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.– Dr. Ernest Holmes Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Life. In this moment, I recognize thatprecious Life as my own. It sits at the very center of my being. It encompassesthe very air around me, and every breath I take. It is present in the snowflakes Iwatch falling outside my window, and …