Trusting Wholeness to Express

Trusting Wholeness to Expressby Maria Dion, RScP There is only One Power, One Presence, and I call it God. God is the Loving Presence that is the Vast Assembly that underlies, fosters and creates everything in existence. God is LOVE unbridled; it is the Author, the Doer, the Seer, the Intelligence that is in back of everything. It is in every person, place and thing and cannot be contained. It is continually expressing. God is …

Treatment for Inspiration

Treatment for Inspirationby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. God is the Ultimate Reality. God is the Beginning with no beginning, the End with no end. God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. God is Beauty, Art, Creativity, Music, Joy, Love. God is color, painting, poetry, song, laughter, happiness, warmth, kindness. I am One with God. God is closer to me than my breath. God is in every cell of my being. God acts in …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

For the Artists

For the Artistsby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP, Ph.D. We are all artists, you and me.Born to express and create. This is a call to express your divine gifts and talentsAnd this is especially for those of us who may hesitate to express themAnd, so, end up with muddy waters. Holding back our divine heartreach can engender a little death.A crimping of life flow.A draining of chi.A withering of hope, of light, of brightness, and of …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Every Person is a Divine Expression of Unlimited Love

Every Person is a Divine Expression of Unlimited LoveRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries Oh, Dear Loving Source, Creator-God, I recognize You-We-It-Us in this moment here and now. The Divine Essence of All that Is vibrating in concert with the universe. God is expressing in each unique creation here on earth, as each thing and being, through all the critters and people and whatnot. This energy of the Divine is going out and coming …

Full of Gratitude

Full of Gratitudeby Rev Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director I am full of gratitude. The fullness of Spirit is evident everywhere, even as it is omnipresent. So as all life is Spirit revealing and expressing Itself, so are we that expression of Spirit. As God Is, I Am. As God Is, You Are! So all passion and joy and desire that springs forth through and as each of our being is Spirit in expression. All that …

Treatment for Inspiration

Treatment for Inspirationby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. God is the Ultimate Reality. God is the Beginning with no beginning, the End with no end. God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. God is Beauty, Art, Creativity, Music, Joy, Love. God is color, painting, poetry, song, laughter, happiness, warmth, kindness. I am One with God. God is closer to me than my breath. God is in every cell of my being. God acts in …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

I Am An Expression Of God

I Am An Expression Of GodRev. Kamatara Johnson God is all there is. Divine Spirit, Energy made manifest, every spark and sparkle, glint and gleam. The Light of Life expresses in this Universe right here, right now in every moment, in each breath, in each vision, in every prayer. All this is God. And all that I am is of God. I am filled with the Light of the Divine. With each breath in and …

It is the Soul’s Desire to be Expressed

It is the Soul’s Desire to be Expressedby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP It is the Soul’s desire to be Expressed. The Soul’s expressions nourish your capacity for rebuilding, cultivating and creating more of a tangible and felt desire to be close to the Divine. Envision a steady stream of flow as you open the faucet and water the seeds. Those seed will sprout a stirring inside that is the Soul expressing. Follow that feeling and …

Lesha Kitts, RScP

Actively Seeking Me

Actively Seeking Me by Lesha Kitts, RScP I know that there is a source from which I came, and it is the same source that I will return to. But while I am here on this planet in physical form, it runs through me, and expresses as me. I call this source God. And together we create what I came here to be. I came here as a newly planted seed. I was planted here …

Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

Treatment for Inspiration

Treatment for Inspiration by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. God is the Ultimate Reality. God is the Beginning with no beginning, the End with no end. God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. God is Beauty, Art, Creativity, Music, Joy, Love. God is color, painting, poetry, song, laughter, happiness, warmth, kindness. I am One with God. God is closer to me than my breath. God is in every cell of my being. God acts …