Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

Life Calls

Life Callsby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God, Divine Spirit, Love, Life calls to me. It is the Be All and End All. It infuses the Universe with all of Life. Life is Light, Joy, Love and Compassion, Power, Health, Creativity and Expression, Purpose. It is everywhere. It is in me, and expresses in, through, and as me. This is true for everyone. Life is and we are. Life calls us all to live our best lives. …

Kathleen Miathiason, RScP

Spirit is My Source

Spirit is My Sourceby Kathleen Mathiason, RScP I have need of many things in my life and as a Religious Scientist, I do not believe that Divine Spirit wishes to hold anything from me. It is the nature of God to give, and it is my nature to receive. I know all I have to do is ask and then gratefully step into the flow of my good to receive. God has never failed me, …

Julia Washington, RScP


Circulation by Julia Washington, RScP The Law of Circulation is giving and receiving The Mind of God, which is the creative mind, flows through each and every one of us. We all can live a prosperous life and accept our Good. As we circulate this God energy in our lives.  It will return to us tenfold. though our thoughts of love, Prayers of Peace, health, abundance, wisdom, and strength to all we come in contact with. …

Lesha Kitts RScP

Embracing Resistance: A Lesson

Embracing Resistance: A Lesson by Lesha Kitts, RScP There is but one Source, one Power, one infinite Creator back of all that is. I recognize it as Divine Spirit. Divine Spirit works in, through, around and as me. And I am a divine individual expression of It. Spirit and I are One. As I sit in this state of awareness, the vision is clear and the beauty of this Truth is revealed. The lessons I …

Dianne Martin, RScP

As We Give, We Bless Ourselves and as We Receive, We Bless Others

As We Give, We Bless Ourselves and as We Receive, We Bless Others Dianne Martin, RScP God is the Spirit of giving and receiving.  God is unconditional love, beauty, harmony, passion and joy. When I give, I express unconditional love to the person I give to.  When I receive, I experience the unconditional love of the giver. Giving and receiving is God in action. As I know this is true for me, I know it …