
Satisfied by Yvette Trujillo, RScP What a wonderful day! As I settle into my chair, and look out the window I finally slow down. From this place I can recognize that I am feeling deeply peaceful and incredibly satisfied. It was a busy week and every nook and cranny of time seemed to be filled. Job well done! I showed up this week as uniquely me. I poured myself into all I did and I’m …

Lovater Jones, RScP

I Provide an Opening For My Good

I Provide an Opening For My Good Lovater Harris Jones, RScP “If a great fire is smoldering under a house, it will never make a bonfire of the house until an opening is made somewhere for a draught [sic]. ……So the mighty Truth, filling every mind with its energy, waits to move.” –Emma Curtis Hopkins. “Scientific Christian Mental Practice” There is one thing that I know for sure and it is this: The Universe (as Law) …

Divine Inspiration

Divine Inspirationby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Whose heart is fixed upon the good because It is good shall fill his soul with good, And he who revels in the beautiful Because he sees in it the beautiful Shall know the beautiful as well. — Ernest Holmes, “The Voice Celestial” As I sit quietly on this beautiful, sunny morning, I take a moment to pause and connect with that Divine Presence, which resides …

This Constant, Supportive Presence is Eternal Love

This Constant, Supportive Presence is Eternal Love by Chris Duvall, RScP On this plane, loss is sometimes inevitable. During these times, I may feel that my good is not with me.  There can be no denial of emotions surrounding loss –sadness, numbness, grief, perhaps self-recrimination, feelings of injustice, fear, or even anger. But if I choose, this experience can be a context in which I connect deeply to Something sacred which is undeniably for me, …

Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP

Dearly Beloved God of My Being!

Dearly Beloved God of My Being!by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP Dearly Beloved God of My Being.  I call forth Spirit Presence. But, even as I do, I know that the Presence of the Almighty source of all there is, is already present – here with me, in the now. Right here within me, as me and in all. And as I sit in the magnificence of that Spiritual light – I feel God’s presence as …