Witnessing Spiritby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director I walk in gratitude, knowing that I am a divine reflection of Spirit. I know that all that I see, hear, touch, smell and feel is me witnessing Spirit dancing in Its own creation. This creation is my Life NOW. This creation is Life. I am one with all life; that Life flows as me in every moment, for It is Me. As I know this to be …
Affirming the A’s of Spirituality
Affirming the A’s of Spiritualityby Carol S. Helms, RScP There is one Life; that life is God’s life; that is perfect; and that Life is my life now. Today, I affirm and share one of the spiritual adventures I started five or six years ago. As some of you may know, one of my favorite spiritual practices is walking, meditative prayer that has evolved into an awesome and ever-expanding spiritual adventure. So put on your …
A Holiday Reminder
A Holiday Reminderby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP As we begin preparation for the Holiday Season, I know that we all can tap into that Spirit Light during this special time of year. We can rejoice in embracing our traditions and sacred ceremonies. We can make sure that our hearts are open wide as we welcome all that comes forth from God’s plentiful abundance. We can also be in awareness of what the season brings in …
Appreciation, Gratitude and Thanksgiving
Appreciation, Gratitude and Thanksgivingby Dr. Ernest Holmes It has been said that “the prayer of thanksgiving is the prayer of appropriation.” This was the manner in which Jesus prayed when he raised Lazarus from the tomb: “Father, I thank thee ….” Recognition, unification, and realization are the three steps in prayer or treatment. When we speak the words of thanksgiving to the God within, knowing “before they ask will I answer,” there is something in …
Love Is
Love Isby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director I am grateful that Love is my life; that the Love of the universe lives as me. Love is everywhere present in, as, and through all creation. We have our being because Spirit is Love expressing. My life is Love, Love is Spirit, I live as Spirit. In this knowingness, I live as Love. All my affairs are lovingly in order. My body of affairs, my emotional …
Calmlyby Greg Gardner, RScP As I sit calmly, I remember who I am. I remember that the Creator of all that is, lives within, around, above and behind me…AS Me. Ah yes, I feel the calmness as the sound of the waves washes over me. And now the calmness within begins to spread from the heart of my divine consciousness out into my limbs…and my toes…and my fingers… I feel the corners of my eyes …
Nothing without Gratitude
Nothing without Gratitudeby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director There is nothing without gratitude. Every breath reminds me to be grateful. I exist because of the ever-expanding impulse of Life. This impulse breathes me – it breathes you! We are the very essence of Life experiencing Itself as you and me. There is only Oneness at every turn. I know, therefore, that truly “all is well.” Life is impulse of the Universe so I know …
Gratitude for Abundance
Gratitude for Abundanceby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Heavenly Spirit, I am filled with gratitude for all the abundance in my life. I see Abundance everywhere – in all I was given by my parents as I was in their care, in the love and attention from my children, in the work and givingness of my husband, in the warmth and generosity of my siblings, in the beauty of nature all around me, in all that I …
Acknowledging the Creator of All Things
Acknowledging the Creator of All Thingsby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director With great gratitude I acknowledge the Creator of all things! The Spirit that is in as and through all things, all people, all creation. I know that this same Spirit has imbued me and you with the essence of Itself. So I stand ready to access all the wonder of the Creator because that is my very essence. Today I surrender to this truth! …
A Prayer of Gratitude
A Prayer of Gratitudeby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Every prayer reminds me that I am One with Divine Spirit, Today my prayer is “Thank You.” In my sense of oneness with Spirit, I know all is well. I have the awareness that nothing is wrong. I am grateful for my body, for its health. Every part of my body is working exactly as it should for my health and wholeness. My arms and legs, back and …