
Harvestby Greg Gardner, RScP The cool breeze chills my brow.The leaves begin their colorful celebration. Trees and fields are heavy with their bounty.Harvest time is here. My life is full to overflowing with abundance, abundance, abundance.Indeed abundance is in the fields and orchards, the forests and seas, the air.An abundance of abundance is everywhere/It surrounds me.It pours into me. I allow the richness of the harvest right here; right now. All is well.And so it …


Harvestby Greg Gardner, RScP tThe cool breeze chills my brow.The leaves begin their colorful celebration. Trees and fields are heavy with their bounty.Harvest time is here. My life is full to overflowing with abundance, abundance, abundance.Indeed abundance is in the fields and orchards, the forests and seas, the air.An abundance of abundance is everywhere/It surrounds me.It pours into me. I allow the richness of the harvest right here; right now. All is well.And so it …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

Harvest Prayer

Harvest Prayer by Sue Hoadley, RScP As I know there is One Source of All that is, I breathe in God. God of beauty. God of bounty. God of abundance, flow, emergence. All things emerge in their right time from this all good God. All circumstances resolve in their right time from this all good God. Any appearance of lack, disease, conflict, or loss is just that: appearance. Beneath, above and all around is God’s …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

Harvest Prayer

Harvest Prayer by Sue Hoadley, RScP As I know there is One Source of All that is, I breathe in God. God of beauty. God of bounty. God of abundance, flow, emergence. All things emerge in their right time from this all good God. All circumstances resolve in their right time from this all good God. Any appearance of lack, disease, conflict, or loss is just that: appearance. Beneath, above and all around is God’s …

Lesha Kitts RScP

Harvest Season

Harvest Season by Lesha Kitts, RScP I love the Fall. I see God in everything, with such ease and gratitude. The arid summer heat gives way to cool crisp mornings. The monsoon season softens into soaking gentle rains. The rainbows are gifts of awe in the high desert. The vines are turning red and the cottonwoods golden. The garden plants are withering with the cool temperatures as the leaves and branches of them bow to …

Lesha Kitts RScP

Harvest Season

Harvest Season by Lesha Kitts, RScP I love the Fall. I see God in everything, with such easy and gratitude. The arid summer heat gives way to cool crisp mornings. The monsoon season softens into soaking gentle rains. The rainbows are gifts of awe in the high desert. The vines are turning red and the cottonwoods golden. The garden plants are withering with the cool temperatures as the leaves and branches of them bow to …