A Treatment for Health

A Treatment for Healthby Marilyn O’Leary, Practitioner Emeritus God is all there is. God is Love, Joy, Health, Creativity, Light, Comfort. God is radiant health and well-being. God is the body that works in perfection. I know that is true for me. I know that is true for every person where appearance is to the contrary. Health is here now. When I call upon Spirit, it is here. It is always here for us. Some …

Prayer Treatment for Health

Prayer Treatment for Healthby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is One Mind, One Power, One Divine Presence that is All-knowing, All-powerful, and everywhere. I know and accept that I am a Divine Center and I choose to see that truth come forth into expression. I also choose to bring forth, expressing right here and now, a physical manifestation of my body temple as being clear, strong, energetic and flexible. I declare into my subconscious mind that …

Wholeness and Health are Mine

Wholeness and Health are Mineby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Infinite Divine Life, I know that I am part of the cosmic fiber of the Universe.  I accept and acknowledge in this now moment that I am, as well as anyone else reading or hearing these words, encircled in Love, and I begin immediately to envision my body as whole and healthy, in every way.  I breathe deeply and easily; I rest in …

A Prayer of Gratitude

A Prayer of Gratitudeby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Every prayer reminds me that I am One with Divine Spirit, Today my prayer is “Thank You.” In my sense of oneness with Spirit, I know all is well. I have the awareness that nothing is wrong. I am grateful for my body, for its health. Every part of my body is working exactly as it should for my health and wholeness. My arms and legs, back and …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

A Treatment for Those in Treatment during the Holidays

A Treatment for Those in Treatment during the Holidaysby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries There is only One Love, One Heart, One Mind that is God expressing in infinite ways.  God is each person, each place, each thing, each time, each relationship, and on and on.  Truly God is all there is. And so I am an expression of God in the here and now.  So too is each member of my family, …

A Treatment for Perfect Return to Health

A Treatment for Perfect Return to Healthby Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL What a joy it is to recognize the power and the presence of the God-Life that resides within! How blessed I am to know that the truth of my being is that of love, light, and wholeness. As I turn within, I know that I am one with the One, and that everything I could ever possibly need is contained …

Carol Helms, RScP

At Home in the H’s of Spirituality

At Home in the H’s of Spiritualityby Carol S. Helms, RScP Today and every day I continue my spiritual practice of a walking meditative prayer, and find that wherever I am in the practice, I am home. Today and every day I surrender to the Healing Power and Presence of the Beloved Creator, creating space within for the healing power and presence of Spirit to flow through me. Today and every day I show up …

For Health

For Healthby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP There is a power for Good in the Universe despite any appearance to the contrary. That power is known as Spirit, God, Love, Higher Power. Whatever we name that Power, it is the motivating force of life in the Universe. It is also the force of life in each one of us. I experience it as a spark of life, as love, as a deep feeling of serenity, as knowing …

I Think of the Good

I Think of the Good by Marilyn C. O’Leary, RScP I am one with Divine Spirit that knows the truth of my being. My body/mind/spirit knows how to heal itself. It knows its wholeness and perfection. As it is one with Spirit, it is healthy, abundant, pain free, forgiving (for there is nothing to forgive), loving. To promote health, I move every day as best I can. I am smiling, healthy, alive and energetic. I …

Prayer Treatment for Health

Prayer Treatment for Healthby Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is One Mind, One Power, One Divine Presence that is All-knowing, All-powerful, and everywhere. I know and accept that I am a Divine Center and I choose to see that truth come forth into expression. I also choose to bring forth, expressing right here and now, a physical manifestation of my body temple as being clear, strong, energetic and flexible. I declare into my subconscious mind that …