YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH FOR MANIFESTING THE BEST AND HIGHEST GOODby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP I recognize that the Source of all that is, is the Divine Force that I call God. As I take a moment to breathe in, I breathe in Love, and I know that God is Love. I then quickly get to a knowing that that Power lies within me, I can choose to call it forth for best and highest …
Silent!by Julia Washington, RScP Is the universe not here? why does life show up as unrest? Trust, life of God, within.Trust, that prayers do not go unanswered. Go deeper in faith, the God within meets the god without. In the Wonder of God in life, we move our thoughts, words, deeds to the understanding of the One source of love, wholeness, peace, and blessings of self and others, no matter the station in life. In this, …
Highest and Best
Highest and Bestby Chris Duvall, RScP Breathing in, I acknowledge Divine Life as the All in which I live, move and have being. Breathing out, I clear that which no longer serves Divine Purpose in, as, and through me. Breathing in and out, I honor Oneness as I accept clarity of vision, purity of heart, and unity with Highest Self. I exchange appearances of inflexibility for movement, attachment for freedom, boredom for aliveness, inaction for …
Intuition by Julia Washington, RScP Intuition: “The ability to know without any process of reasoning.” This knowingness is the presence of God within each of us. As I/you set our Intentions every day for Peace, Joy, Health, Harmony, Healing and whatever else is needed, knowing it will show up in form. We go forth each day with our Truth, Wisdom and Inner Light for the Highest and Best for Self and the World. And So …
Intuition by Julia Washington, RScP Intuition: “The ability to know without any process of reasoning.” This knowingness is the presence of God within each of us. As I/you set our Intentions every day for Peace, Joy, Health, Harmony, Healing and whatever else is needed, knowing it will show up in form. We go forth each day with our Truth, Wisdom and Inner Light for the Highest and Best for Self and the World. And So …
Today Joy Lynn Hertz, RScP Today I look above, below, inside and outside and I enjoy the view. There is only one Life. That life is God’s life. That life is Perfect. That life is my life now. And so I invoke and evoke Spirit into this time and space creating and allowing my Oneness with Divine Process. In this moment I make a deeply rooted commitment that I practice the presence of being one …