The Universe is Homeby Carol S. Helms, RScP Today I stand firmly in and walk, talk, pray and praise the Good that is the Universe. I stand in the knowing that I am one with the Essence that created everything and everyone, and it is in that place that I set aside my ego and fill the void with grace, graciousness and gratitude that I, and only I, am the one who determines what I …
Place, Called Home
Place, Called Homeby Julia Washinton, RScP For our Julia, who left to return home to God last Saturday morning: When life looks and feels out of control, not knowing. There’s a place to go that’s so deep in our Souls, the place of Most High,that welcomes you and me at all time, in Unity with the Whole. Where the knowingness shows up in the form of Peace, Wholeness, and Love. God is the center of …
Treatment for Payment of a Home
Treatment for Payment of a Homeby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP O God-in-me, inspire me to a rich life that lets me know the truth of my being, that guides me to a knowing of God-in-me. God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent. God is All. God is Truth, Peace, Power, Love, Freedom, Harmony, Happiness. God is Abundant. God is the answer to all prayers. I know that I am one with God. As I live in God, I feel safe, …
The Universe is Home
The Universe is Homeby Carol S. Helms, RScP Today I stand firmly in and walk, talk, pray and praise the Good that is the Universe. I stand in the knowing that I am one with the Essence that created everything and everyone, and it is in that place that I set aside my ego and fill the void with grace, graciousness and gratitude that I, and only I, am the one who determines what I …
Place, Called Home
Place, Called Homeby Julia Washinton, RScP When life looks and feels out of control, not knowing. There’s a place to go that’s so deep in our Souls, the place of Most High,that welcomes you and me at all time, in Unity with the Whole. Where the knowingness shows up in the form of Peace, Wholeness, and Love. God is the center of all Life. Victory is ours as we move to a Higher Place in …