Joy in the Divine

Joy in the Divineby Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL ‘There are no mistakes in the Divine Plan for me. I am joy, peace, andhappiness. I am the spirit of joy within me.’ – Dr. Ernest Holmes Infinite Divine Life, precious Spirit, Mother/Father God. Today I recognize theOne Life, as I unify with it as my very essence. I appreciate that I am surroundedby this all-abiding energy, and it fills me up and …

A Treatment for Safe and Joyful Travel

A Treatment for Safe and Joyful Travelby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP The God of the Universe is all there is. It fills all space. It is the substance of all things. It is everywhere at all times. It is timeless. It is creativity, love, peace, joy and well-being. I am one with all there is. I am one with this divine substance. It wishes only good for me. It expresses in, through and as me. I am …

We Are One

We Are Oneby Maria Dion, RScP There is one Power, one Presence in existence and I call It God. God is Peace, Strength, Harmony and Joy. It is the Loving presence that creates and nurtures everything into existence and the most perfect evolution imaginable. I Unify with God in this and every moment. I am filled with peace, harmony and joy. Infinite Intelligence guides me in every action, every idea. God’s Strength is my strength; …

Your Day of Abundance

Your Day of AbundanceBy Tilia Giron, Chaplain, RScP Today is your day of abundance, of manifestation, absolute beauty, radiance, of the summit of joy beyond your possible imagination. Today is the day that the heavens open for you. Know within the depths – within the center of your soul –that you are indeed blessed, absolutely, absolutely blessed beyond your possible imagination to the fulfillment of all your dreams and even more. Even more goodness even …