Labor Weekend Prayer

Labor Weekend Prayerby Chris Duvall, RScP On this Labor Day weekend, I found myself humming a phrase from an old hymn: “The work is Thine, O Christ our Lord, the Cause for which we stand.” Contemplating this gift, I experimented, singing substituted words such as these: The work is Thine, Christ Consciousness, all else washes away like sand.The work is Thine, Great Servitor, awaiting my command.My work: to know my power to speak Thy Way …

Labor Weekend Prayer

Labor Weekend Prayerby Chris Duvall, RScP On this Labor Day weekend, I found myself humming a phrase from an old hymn: “The work is Thine, O Christ our Lord, the Cause for which we stand.” Contemplating this gift, I experimented, singing substituted words such as these: The work is Thine, Christ Consciousness, all else washes away like sand.The work is Thine, Great Servitor, awaiting my command.My work: to know my power to speak Thy Way …

Chris Duvall, RScP

Labor Weekend Prayer

Labor Weekend Prayer by Chris Duvall, RScP On this Labor Day weekend, I found myself humming a phrase from an old hymn: “The work is Thine, O Christ our Lord, the Cause for which we stand.” Contemplating this gift, I experimented, singing substituted words such as these: The work is Thine, Christ Consciousness, all else washes away like sand. The work is Thine, Great Servitor, awaiting my command. My work: to know my power to …