The Law Works!by Kathy Masthiason, RScP “The Law does not give us what we want; the Law gives us what we give It.” Robert H. Bitzer, How to Make Your Mental Computer Work For You I know that there is a perfect, precise, impersonal, all knowing, ever-present, and powerful Law in the Universe. I know It works in my life and I depend on it, always. It gives back to me in amounts greater than …
The Law Works!
The Law Works!by Kathy Masthiason, RScP “The Law does not give us what we want; the Law gives us what we give It.” Robert H. Bitzer, How to Make Your Mental Computer Work For You I know that there is a perfect, precise, impersonal, all knowing, ever-present, and powerful Law in the Universe. I know It works in my life and I depend on it, always. It gives back to me in amounts greater than …
Positive Thoughts Are Mine, Today!
Positive Thoughts Are Mine, Today!by Kathy Mathiason, RScP In this sacred moment, I know that there is one Divine Power that is creating everything in the universe. This Loving, Intelligent Power is the force behind all that exists, seen and unseen. Spirit knows nothing outside Itself, and nothing different from Itself; therefore, all is Spirit. I am an important part of this Intelligent, Loving Spirit. Every thought I have manifests into form. What I experience …
Love Fulfilleth the Law…
Love Fulfilled the LawErnest Holmes, Founder A MOTHER’S PROBLEM Question—”How can I overcome sorrow and loneliness caused by separation and not hearing from my two daughters?” “ANSWER—’Love fulfilleth the Law.’ If you will realize perfect freedom for your daughters, you will be working the law for your own freedom. ‘Loose them’ and know that there is no separation in mind. The very mind current that flows through your own consciousness flows through that of your …
Physician, Heal Thyself**
Physician, Heal Thyself** by Lovater H. Jones, RScP “There is a Healing Presence within you. This Healing Presence you must recognize before It can operate for you, because like every other thing in nature It works according to exact and mechanical law.” ~Ernest Holmes, Living the Science of Mind There is a Healing Presence flowing through all Life. It is Pure Consciousness. It is Absolute Perfection. I acknowledge and believe that this Healing Presence, flowing …
A Word of Comfort
A Word of Comfortby Chris Duvall, RScP Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned… Isaiah 40:1- 2 KJV I call to the High and most Holy, to the Deep and most Intimate, to the Energy of Life. I call to First Cause, to the Unburdened Free, to the Complete. I acknowledge that I am …
The Spirit is Love and Law
The Spirit is Love and Lawby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP The Spirit that is in all, that created this wonderful and truly awesome universe, in all of its splendor that is so great it is unimaginable, is in each one of us. We are one with It and as such, we are one with each other. This spirit is Love, and it is Law. It is Love, in that it is all we want, desire, affirm, …
The Law is the Servant of the Spirit
The Law is the Servant of the SpiritKerry Blecha, RScP There is a Supreme Intelligence in the Universe. It is the Absolute Spirit that surrounds all things. This Divine presence is Universal to all because It is the First Cause, the Unborn and the Great I Am. God is Eternal, the One and Only Spirit. God is Perfect Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Power, and Substance. God is the One Mind and the Only Truth. This Spirit …
Staying in the Flow
Staying in the Flow by Lovater Harris Jones, RScP “Each one of us is an inlet to the Divine, but because we are individuals we can inhibit or even stop It; or by opening up all the channels of faith and conviction and hope, we can increase Its flow.” –Ernest Holmes, “Living The Science of Mind” As I read this chapter in “Living the Science of Mind,” I was struck by the sentence that said, …
I Release My Words into the Law
I Release My Words into the Law Laura Snapp, RScP God is all there is, everywhere present. God exists in all things, all people, all ideas. Nothing can be apart from God, for God is the essence, the energy back, in, around, and through all things. This Essence is Perfect Health and Wellness and Love radiating through everyone and everything. And as I know God to be Perfect Health and Vitality, I know this is also true …