Lenten Task for Wholeness

Lenten Task for Wholenessby Chris Duvall, RScP When I opened my heart, I caught God kissing the devil In the bedchambers of my heart. It was quite the scandal.  ~  Chelan Because of Divine Oneness, the personal shadow is inseparable from the collective shadow. Therefore, wisely and lovingly embracing one’s own darkness benefits self and society.  Rev. Greg Toews of Astara points out that shadows are revealed by repetitive non-releasing patterns.  I can easily see stubborn patterns in …

Time for Renewal

Time for Renewalby Miguel Zulueta, RCsP Lent has begun and this is a powerful time for renewal.  It is a great opportunity to give thanks with the desire to get rid of our old ways of thinking.  We are receptive to new life as we shift our focus to a renewed awareness of our oneness with God.  We let go of limitations and release habits that no longer serve us, so we commit to rekindle …

Jesus Work on the Cross: A Profound Act of Acceptance and Love

Jesus Work on the Cross: A Profound Act of Acceptance and Loveby Chris Duvall, RScP I’m an elementary school teacher who has learned that concrete objects help young students understand what is hidden.  For example, a boiled egg is like a tooth. We can do a cross section of an egg, but we cannot cut into a tooth to see what’s inside. But using the egg we can compare the eggshell to enamel, the egg …