Prayer of Peaceby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” —Wayne W. Dyer I turn inward in this moment to raise my awareness of the One Loving Source, that Divine Essence that animates all of life. In this beautiful city, seeing the mountains, the pink clouds, the sunrise that backlights the hot air balloons …
A Prayer For Our Country
A Prayer For Our Country by Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusRGCSL – Taos Study Group Today let us recognize that we are all one in Spirit, in Life. We breathe the same air, are warmed by the same sun, and live on the same planet. Indeed, we are all made of the same divine substance. And in particular we recognize that we, as Americans, are joined together as part of the same “tribe”, if you will, …
I Am Here
I Am Hereby Yvette Trujillo, RScP Things happen. You can be a wonderful, kind, honest, and genuinely caring person, and things happen. You can be a faithful, prayerful, and affirming person, and things happen. Life is not kinder to some and more punishing to others based on our goodness. We are not blessed or cursed, worthy or unworthy, based on how good or bad we are. Life simply happens. But we are not at the …
I Welcome Patience and Tranquility
I Welcome Patience and TranquilityRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries As I center myself, I raise my awareness to recognize the Presence of the One Loving Source, the Sacred Vibration that expresses in all of life as we know it and even beyond our understanding. God in people, God in animals, God in nature, God in things, God in words, God in deeds, God in thoughts…Truly, God is all there is, in the here …
An Affirmation of Life
An Affirmation of Lifeby Carol S. Helms, RScP I Was Told to Live By some inner mystic Presence,I was told to live and to love, to laugh and to be glad.I was told to be still and know of the One Almighty Power, in and through all.I was told to let that Power work through and in me.I believed that voice and I received my Good. I am healed – The Joy of Life. ~ …