God is Light and Darkness, so let us love and value both.(a work in progress)by Chris Duvall, RCsP The Merriam-Webster dictionary has three definitions of darkness: Darkness has multiple meanings, and they seem to be jumbled together. Night time, people with dark complexions, the experiences of depression, sorrow, or needing help understanding seem to be mixed up with an idea of the absence, evil, badness, and this has led to devaluing of some states of …
My Life is a Living Prayer of Love and Light
My Life is a Living Prayer of Love and Lightby Rev . Kamatara Johnson I recognize the Presence of Love, that is the Light of the Infinite, shining here and now in Life as we know it. This Vibration of Love and Light is God, the One and Only of the All. God is the Harmony of expression, the Joy of expression, and the Abundance of expression…ever expanding and growing out of this Love. This …
Unifying with Divine Loving Beingness
Unifying with Divine Loving Beingnessby Chris Duvall, RScP I look to Source Life, First Cause, Radiant Light, and Harmony within the Divine Whole. I call to Divine Loving Creative Power Presence and Intelligence. I summon Truth and Joy. I know I am of the Divine Being, which I’ve named. If there is anything in me that is not in alignment with Pure Spiritual Loving Essence, I release it now. I unify my consciousness with Divine …
Light. Everywhere, Everything
Light. Everywhere, Everythingby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director Light. Everywhere, everything. Light. The visible color of the invisible energy, the invisible warmth. Light is our essence even as Light is a name for the One power back of all things. “The” Light is “our” Light. We are the Light! Living from this Light we are constantly revealing health and wholeness. Whatever we can conceive we can receive. The possibilities are without limit. We are …
The Light Within You, Shines, Shines, Shines
The Light Within You, Shines, Shines, Shinesby Nancy Bowers, RScP God is Law, Predictable and Constant, Powerful and Sure. It is Principle. It is Dependable. It is the Eternal Yes. And the nature of that Yes is Pure Love, Pure Peace, Total Joy. It is Giving. It is Supportive. It Blesses Constantly, for It is Steady and Stable and Certain in Its Lovingness. It is Changeless. It is Clear. And I know that this is true of …