Listening To My Inner Voiceby Kathy Mathiason, RScP Today I open my mind and my heart and become receptive to the Presence of God in everything and everyone around me. For I know there is no other; there is only God in and as the expression of everything that exists. I reflect on this idea; God is in everything, everywhere, and become more aware and clear as to who I am. I am a Divine …
Are you Listening?
Are you Listening?by Tilia Giron, Chaplain, RScP God is in the sun.God is in the trees.God is in the Sandias.In the clouds.In the air.In the sky andIn the Infinite Endlessness. God is in the green that shimmers on the leaves on the trees even as it’s Winter and Fall is still here.God is in the manifold way we exist.God is within us.And God is within everything that is. The question is, ‘Can we, or do …
Are you Listening?
Are you Listening?by Tilia Giron, Chaplain, RScP God is in the sun.God is in the trees.God is in the Sandias.In the clouds.In the air.In the sky andIn the Infinite Endlessness. God is in the green that shimmers on the leaves on the trees even as it’s Winter and Fall is still here.God is in the manifold way we exist.God is within us.And God is within everything that is. The question is, ‘Can we, or do …
Listening To My Inner Voice
What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living This Sunday, September 29th, 2013 10 AM Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Rev. Martha surveyed the congregation to find out what topics they wanted to hear about on Sunday morning. Congregants sent in over 80 suggestions. All of the talks this fall are directly taken from the survey and dedicated to the people who come to the …