Just a Closer Walk with Meby Carol S. Helms, RScP I love a good old gospel song, and a favorite is Just a Closer Walk with Thee in the style of Anne Murray. I also love a particular spiritual practice I that has become my serenity and sanity go to- walking prayer and meditation multiple times every day, so much so that now, rather than being reserved for “walking” time, the practice has become a …
The Vast Ocean – A Meditation
The Vast Ocean – A MeditationAlicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL Inspired and excerpted from Mark Gilbert’s “Be Yourself” Imagine in your mind’s eye a vast ocean with lots of little waves rising, peaking, and cresting above the ocean’s surface. The waves rise and fall. Imagine them rising and falling in slow motion. Now imagine that each of those waves is a human being, and that each wave, or human, can direct its …
World Peace Meditation
World Peace Meditationby Rev. Dr. Sharri Johnson, Senior Minister, One Heart Retreats
At Home in the H’s of Spirituality
At Home in the H’s of Spiritualityby Carol S. Helms, RScP Today and every day I continue my spiritual practice of a walking meditative prayer, and find that wherever I am in the practice, I am home. Today and every day I surrender to the Healing Power and Presence of the Beloved Creator, creating space within for the healing power and presence of Spirit to flow through me. Today and every day I show up …
A MEDITATION ON THE QUIETby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL I take this precious moment to sit in the silence. As I breathe in, I feel theessence of Spirit, as it surrounds me and engulfs me. I allow the fullness of theexperience as I temporarily suspend my attachment to my body. Any thoughts orconcerns of exterior conditions or presumed obstacles are interrupted, and I givethem no leave to enter this moment. …