All My Needs are Metby Marylyn Kirk, RScP I know that everywhere is the presence of the one Source that knows only good. This Source provides overflowing abundance in the universe, and expresses as abundance of all kinds, including money, financial prosperity, good health, plentiful friends, positive energy, and safety. Knowing that my good surrounds and permeates all that exists, I claim my oneness with it. This good expresses and flows within me and through …
All My Needs are Met
All My Needs are Metby Marylyn Kirk, RScP I know that everywhere is the presence of the one Source that knows only good. This Source provides overflowing abundance in the universe, and expresses as abundance of all kinds, including money, financial prosperity, good health, plentiful friends, positive energy, and safety. Knowing that my good surrounds and permeates all that exists, I claim my oneness with it. This good expresses and flows within me and through …