Treatment for Living in the Present by Marilyn O’Leary, Practitioner Emeritus The truth is there is nothing but the Present. The Present is where we find God, Love, Peace, Joy, Abundance, Creativity, Faith, Freedom, Happiness. It is where we find deep spirituality. The Present is the only place we truly live. There is no such thing as the future. We cannot predict what the future will bring. We can only affirm that we will know what …
Prayer for This Now
Prayer for This Nowby Nancy Bowers, RScP There is only now. This moment, this time is not a vision of tomorrow or a memory of yesterday, just now – this holy instant of experience. This is the point of Power. This is the moment of Peace. This is the moment of Clarity. It is a moment teaming with Love. God is here, in this now, in this moment, eternally bestowing blessings. They are everywhere. Now. …
Now. There is only the Now!
Now. There is only the Now!by Kathy Mathiason, RScP I know there is only God. This loving Spirit which is harmony, abundance, love, joy, beauty, wisdom and peace pervades everything In the Universe. All the qualities of God are in me. I am the perfect creation of the One. God is, I am. I am a unique individualization of the Divine. There is no separation. I am one …
Treatment for Living in the Present
Treatment for Living in the Present by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP The truth is there is nothing but the Present. The Present is where we find God, Love, Peace, Joy, Abundance, Creativity, Faith, Freedom, Happiness. It is where we find deep spirituality. The Present is the only place we truly live. There is no such thing as the future. We cannot predict what the future will bring. We can only affirm that we will know what to …
In the Here and the Now
In the Here and the Now by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP In the here and the now, I choose to call forth my awareness of Spirit Presence, which I know is already present within me, as me and in all. I take this moment to embody Love, as God is Love. I now also choose to call forth Divine wisdom, wellness and vitality into the moment, and I choose to know God as Absolute Wellness – …
Reconnecting with the Now
Reconnecting with the Nowby Kamatara Johnson, RScP I realized I’ve been holding my breath for the last six months, just trying to wait this out or muddle through, but this is life and how things are. And that’s always true, whether before COVID hit, during quarantine, or now while we’re just beginning to open up our businesses. There is only ever this moment, and this moment is all life has to offer if I’m willing …
Prayer for the New Year, for This Now
Prayer for the New Year, for This Now by Nancy Bowers, RScP There is only now. This moment, this time is not a vision of tomorrow or a memory of yesterday, just now – this holy instant of experience. This is the point of Power. This is the moment of Peace. This is the moment of Clarity. It is a moment teaming with Love. God is here, in this now, in this moment, eternally bestowing …
Spirit Knows no Precedent, Only Now
Spirit Knows no Precedent, Only Now by Kamatara Johnson. RScP I recognize the One Loving Source as the Divine Operating System of this Universe. This is God. This is Divinity, the Center of all that is. God is the activity of the Universe forever expressing in the finite. God is the harmony and the discord that seems to occur in the finite expressions of the Infinite. The seeming conflict and the resolution is God expressing …
This is the Moment
This is the Moment Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. The Allness of creation is God. I am one with God and all creation. This is true for all people reading and believing my words. This is it. This is the moment. This is the time of perfection. Remember when you looked forward to the time that you would have your life tied up with a beautiful bow ? All that you wanted– …
Now. There is only the Now!
Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, March 22nd, 2015 9 AM and 11 AM “SELF LOVE & SELF EMPOWERMENT” Katie Ortega Lena Quintana RGCSL SUNDAY YOUTH SERVICE – “SELF LOVE & SELF EMPOWERMENT” Healing Yourself Through Nature Spiritual Psychology of Self Love ——————— Susan Clark, Music Director Susan Clark is joined by Lewis Winn on guitar/bass guitar and Jay Blea on drums/percussion The Daily Prayer 03.16.2015 “Now. …
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