A Universal Treatment for Peace of MindAlicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL Recognizing that there is only One Source, One Heart, One Mind expressing here, I know that every aspect of life is an expression of the One. And I recognize that I am one with the One Source, and that each and every one of us is together in this Oneness. And how wonderful that is to behold! So as I feel …
A Prayer for Harmony, Love, and Peace of Mind
A Prayer for Harmony, Love, and Peace of Mindby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP As I take in a deep breath into the center of my being, I hold my breath and feel Presence all around. In that moment, I get to know that God is Goodness. God is that Consciousness of Love and Harmony that I seek to embrace. As I hold that breath, I sit in complete Harmony with the magnificence of that moment. I …
A Prayer for You, for Perfect Health, Peace of Mind, and Peace in Your Heart
A Prayer for You, for Perfect Health, Peace of Mind, and Peace in Your Heartby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP I address this Prayer to Spirit Eternal – The all-powerful and all-knowing Presence. This Spirit is Love; This Spirit is Peace. Know with me that this Spirit Presence is also Health and Well Being, as well as Safety and Understanding! What I also know is that this Spirit is a Powerful Presence in the now. So, …
A Treatment for Peace of Mind
A Treatment for Peace of Mindby Ernest Holmes, Our Founder We cannot be in peace until we know that the Spirit is the only cause, medium and effect in our lives. There is no past, present and future to It. Evil has no history and has never entered in to the being or the experience of Reality. The mind must come to know and to realize all these truths if it is to have real …
Peace of Mind
Peace of Mindby Ernest Holmes, Founder of Science of Mind “Be still and know that I am God. I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God within me. I am the Principle of Peace within me. I am the manifestation of Love within me. My mind is poised in peace and beauty. All sense of fear or doubt is gone. I rest in calm trust and rely on the Law of Spirit to …
A Prayer for Perfect Health and Peace of Mind
A Prayer for Perfect Health and Peace of Mindby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP I address this prayer to the Source of All Being, to God Eternal, all-powerful, and all-knowing. This Spirit of God is Love, Peace, Health and Well Being, Safety, Trust, and Understanding! I am one with Spirit; we are one in this Love. In this moment, I affirm I declare that there is nothing that is not the perfection of Spirit. I affirm …
A Prayer for Harmony, Love, and Peace of Mind
A Prayer for Harmony, Love, and Peace of Mindby Carmella Herrera, RScp. As I take in a deep breath into the center of my being, I hold my breath and feel Presence all around. In that moment, I get to know that God is Goodness. God is that Consciousness of Love and Harmony that I seek to embrace. As I hold that breath, I sit in complete Harmony with the magnificence of that moment. I recognize …
A Prayer for Healing, Calmness, and Peace of Mind
A Prayer for Healing, Calmness, and Peace of Mindby Carmella Herrera, RScP I know that God is Goodness, and God is that Consciousness of Love and Harmony. I know this for myself and for everyone. I embrace God Goodness as I rest in complete Harmony with the magnificence of the Infinite. In this moment, I recognize that God is ever present, ever loving and everlasting. Begin to recognize Healing Light’s presence. It is a gift from …
A Treatment for Peace of Mind
Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, April 19th, 2015 9 AM and 11 AM “Happy Is As Happy Does” There is a secret behind personal creation and this week we begin to look at what it is. If each of us is part of our own happiness, where is the Divine in all of it? Good question. Let’s explore the answer this Sunday! Join Rev. Martha, …
Perfect Health and Peace of Mind
[imaioVideo v=1] What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living This Sunday, September 15th, 2013 10 AM Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister “Say My Name, A Day of Atonement” The holiest Jewish holiday is celebrated this weekend, Yom Kippur. Metaphysically, the act of atonement extends beyond human relations to the relationship with God. When we make amends with the highest and the innermost Divinity, we are …
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