Through Flow Through Meby Chris Duvall, RScP In the midst of busy-ness, I stop to take a deep breath. I remember the Divine One as Inspiration, Intelligence and the Power of Creative Love. Truth flows through me doing all that needs to be done. I allow false ideas about lack or limitation to fall away, and I relax in faith. I delegate to Spirit. I feel joy in knowing I am free to rest, because …
I Live in Perfect Love
I Live in Perfect Loveby Kathy Mathiason, RScP There is One Life, Perfect Love, One Energy, One Ultimate Power in the Universe. This Divine Essence is in through, around and enlivens all Life. And as I know this for everything I see, everything I touch, everything I taste I know this for myself. I am created in Its image and likeness. For I know this Essence, which I call God, has generously gifted me with …
I Live in Perfect Love
I Live in Perfect Love by Kathy Mathiason, RScP There is One Life, Perfect Love, One Energy, One Ultimate Power in the Universe. This Divine Essence is in through, around and enlivens all Life. And as I know this for everything I see, everything I touch, everything I taste I know this for myself. I am created in Its image and likeness. For I know this Essence, which I call God, has generously gifted me …
I Live in Perfect Love
Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 9 AM and 11 AM “Living Soulfully“ Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister “Soul-stuff” is that of which everyone and all things are made. It has its own intelligence and moves quickly on thoughts to create a world that interests each of us. We all are made of “soul-stuff” and it is that which manifests our lives. Ease …
God is Perfect Love, Healing Love, the Greatest Love
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, February 16th, 2014 9 AM and 11 AM Practitioners Maria Dion, RScP Glenn Buckland, RScP Lovater Jones, RScP Dianne Martin, RScP Linda Martin, RScP “Practitioners, Treatment and You” ——————— Susan Clark, Music Director Susan Clark is joined by Lewis Winn on guitar/bass guitar and Jay Blea on drums/percussion The Daily Meditation 2.15.2014 “God is Perfect Love, Healing Love, the Greatest Love” Chea Guilmette, Practitioner II Student There …