How to Embrace Your Inner Power to Createby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP In any given moment, as you choose to take time to breathe consciously and bring forth your thoughts and feelings to a higher level of awareness, know that the one Powerful Divine Force that we call God, can be called upon to get us to a state of “Acceptance” – Acceptance of our Spiritual Truth. God is the Divine Master of Creativity. We …
The Divine Source within Me
The Divine Source within Me by Tammi Lambert, RScP There is one divine source of love, beauty and abundance. It is infinite power, infinite knowledge, limitless strength, never ceasing wisdom, and miraculous creation. This infinite source is only good, is God, is Life, and is Love. There is nothing that can ever separate me from this Love, from the divine creative source within me. I am one with that infinite energy. What I create with …