Ernest Holmes - One with God

Understanding Faith

Understanding Faithby Dr. Ernest Holmes We wish a faith based on the knowledge that there is nothing to fear! “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The thought of faith molds the undifferentiated substance, and brings into manifestation the thing which was fashioned in the mind. This is how faith brings our desires to pass. When we use our creative imagination in strong faith, it will create for …

Every Word We Think or Say is a Prayer

Every Word We Think or Say is a Prayerby Rev. Tammi Lambert I contemplate the number of grains of sand on the earth, the colors of flowers in every field, the stars in every magical night sky, the beauty and mystery in a newborn’s smile, and I know that the Creator is infinite, limitless, and unfathomable. This beauty of life is in perfect balance, harmony, abundance and perfection. There is only love. There is only Good. There is only …

Prayer of Peace

Prayer of Peaceby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” —Wayne W. Dyer I turn inward in this moment to raise my awareness of the One Loving Source, that Divine Essence that animates all of life. In this beautiful city, seeing the mountains, the pink clouds, the sunrise that backlights the hot air balloons …

A Prayer For Our Country

A Prayer For Our Country by Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusRGCSL – Taos Study Group Today let us recognize that we are all one in Spirit, in Life. We breathe the same air, are warmed by the same sun, and live on the same planet. Indeed, we are all made of the same divine substance. And in particular we recognize that we, as Americans, are joined together as part of the same “tribe”, if you will, …

A Prayer for the Nation

A Prayer for the Nationby Chris Duvall, RScP I speak a word for myself and for all readers of this prayer for a continual knowing of the Highest Vibration of the Greatest and Most Powerful Love, the Most Brilliant Light, the Deepest and Most Penetrating Truth and for our sending forth of Its Pure Energy throughout our land during this election season and beyond. I humbly surrender anything I’m looking at, thinking about, feeling, and …

A Prayer for Peace

A Prayer for Peaceby Marjorie Larragoite, Practitioner Emeritus “Peace steals through the waiting Soul, and the comfort of the Spirit comes into the stillness of the heart. Peace, like an ocean of Infinite Life, reflects itself through me and calms every turbulent feeling. I am at peace and rest in the knowledge of the All Good which is at hand. I am at peace.” Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, pp. 539-540 There is One …

Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP

I Affirm, “Happiness Is Mine”

I Affirm, “Happiness Is Mine”by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP A Prayer There is only one Universal Being, known by many names, that I call God.God is the Spiritual Energy Force that is a Powerful Presence in this “Now” moment.God is the Life Force that feeds me. I know we are each a spiritual energy force, indivisibly connected to, and as God. As I breathe in thisknowing, I say yes! I then breathe out the knowing that …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

I Step Out in Faith in Myself and the One Loving Source

I Step Out in Faith in Myself and the One Loving SourceRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries In this moment, I recognize the Presence of the One Loving Source, the All-that-Is, what I choose to call God. I know that this Divine Vibration is the essence of all life in this universe and beyond, for truly God is all there is. This Divine Nature is expressing infinitely in every place, every time, and every …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

All Is Unfolding Perfectly

All Is Unfolding Perfectlyby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I recognize the Presence of the One Loving Source, the All-That-Is that expresses in this Universe and beyond. This Divine Essence is God, Love, Joy, and Abundance always expanding and unfolding perfectly. As God is all there is, I am one with the One. I am aligned with the Divine that is the Presence and Power within. I am God in action. I am …