We are Abundant in the Nowby Marilyn O’Leary, Practitioner Emeritus “Our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee.” We are grateful that, taking a breath, we become aware we are in the present moment, at One with Divine Spirit. We are at rest in the Divine. In this moment, the moment of Divine Reality, we know we have everything we need. If the world seems to be in chaos, we have Peace. If we …
Witnessing Spirit
Witnessing Spiritby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director I walk in gratitude, knowing that I am a divine reflection of Spirit. I know that all that I see, hear, touch, smell and feel is me witnessing Spirit dancing in Its own creation. This creation is my Life NOW. This creation is Life. I am one with all life; that Life flows as me in every moment, for It is Me. As I know this to be …
Attracting Success, Fourth Part
Attracting Success, Fourth Partby Dr. Ernest Holmes It is quite necessary, then, that the successful businessman should keep his mind on thoughts of happiness, which produce cheerfulness instead of depression. He should a radiate joy and should be filled with faith, hope and expectancy. These cheerful, hopeful attitudes of mind are indispensable to the one who really wants to do things in life. Declare your freedom. Know that no matter what others may say, think …
Showing Up for Love
Showing Up for Loveby Nancy Bowers, RScP As humans, we love specialness, so Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate that. It is not the celebration of Divine Love. Divine Love is unconditional. Forgiving. Complete. No, today we celebrate human love with all its complicated messiness. With that in mind, I offer you this quote by Courtney A Walsh: Dear Human Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong.You didn’t come here to master unconditional love.That …
Find Peace in an Insane World
Find Peace in an Insane Worldby Nancy Bowers, RScP “We can do nothing to change the appearances that show up in our lives unless we change the premise in our mind.” – Danet S. Palmer “As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. Perception is a result and not a cause.” – A Course in Miracles “Take the first …
From Broken to Whole
From Broken to WholeAlicia Kay Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – Mile Hi You should take time daily to rise above any sense of confusion. As you do this, you will feel a stillness at the center of your being. – Dr. Ernest Holmes My mind quiets; my body stills, and . . . I remember. I allow the impulse of the Divine to wash over me, cleansing, soothing, and comforting me in every and …
Our Gift for These Times
Our Gift for These Timesby Marilyn O’Leary, Practitioner Emeritus How can we love ourselves as a child of God, as perfect while being a human imperfection, when we allow our devices to tell us how we should be? Especially when we listen to people no one knows, and believe they know more about us, what we want, who we are, than we do. Our first act of empathy, for attention, should be for ourselves – …
In the Quiet of Winter
In the Quiet of Winterby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries In this quiet time of Winter, the barren trees are still flowing with Divine Energy unseen in the roots. I too am still and quiet, stripped down to my Essential Self in this time of reflection, rooted in the Divine. As I enter into the stillness, I know who and what I am: an expression of the One Loving Source in the here …
Present Moment
Present Momentby Rev. Deb O’ConnorDirector of Spiritual Growth and Consciousness Groups Like so many of us, I believed that my happiness lay in outer things. When I accumulatedenough, accomplished enough, even met the right person, happiness would be waiting for me.But then I learned that happiness was right where I was. If I could become present, Spirit wasthere waiting for me, supporting me in every needed way. Now, in the stillness of my being, I …
February by Greg Gardner, RScP Tis the month of love. Just ask St. Valentine. Tis a time of preparing for spring. Just ask any farmer. Tis a month of recharging. Just ask any travel counselor. Tis a month for gratitude. Just ask anyone. Pay attention! Do the work. Quick before this brief month flees into the magnificence of spring!