Loving Ourselves

Loving Ourselvesby Marjorie Larragoite, Practitioner Emeritus Loving ourselves doesn’t mean we love others less.  It means we recognize our own self-worth and have very special relationships with ourselves that honor who we truly are…expressions of the indwelling Spirit. Having self-love and self-esteem are essential in order to have loving relationships with others.  If we don’t honor and respect ourselves, how can we expect anyone else to do so?  This may be our fear, that someone …

Faith Beyond Appearance

Faith Beyond Appearanceby Nancy R. Bowers I breathe into the stillness.  Drop my breath deep into my abdomen and feel how my body relaxes as I gently fill my belly and empty it. In that relaxation, in that stillness, God is. I allow gratitude to well up and my heart feels once again connected to the Love of God, where there are no worries and nothing to fret about. I list some of the wondrous …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

Outside of Time

Outside of Timeby Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D. RScP Outside of timeIs a realm that is Endless. You and I may know it as the now.It is where everything happens. Where I lose myself into the whatever is happeningIt is both intimate and expansive.Beyond space and timeIntangible. It is like absorption and engagement.The eternal now.Eternal oneness. Some may call it flow.Others the zone.Still others joyOr harmony. Being and becoming.Contentment and extension.Stillness and movement. Some may call …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

The Oneness

The Onenessby Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D. RScP I let go.I let go of perceived needOf the illusion that I need anything,Rather, I anchor into the Oneness. And in that Oneness, I am filledFull.I have everything I needIn fact, I know not of need. I only know Wholeness.Wellness.Goodness.Love And Completeness. An Allness that fills and surrounds me so completely that I lose awareness of all else.I am simply here.I just Am.Joy, Love, and Wholeness.Immersed in the …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

In Each Breath, Only the Divine

In Each Breath, Only the Divineby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I take a deep breath and feel the calming Presence of the One Loving Source, that Presence which is always there should I but be aware of it. I pause for this moment to be fully aware of that Sacred Energy in every breath I take, flowing in and out, through me and around me and as me. This Thing that Thou …