I Release and Let Goby Kathy Mathiason, RScP I rejoice in the knowing that God is the One Source. The One Source of everything in the Universe. Everything I see, touch, taste and hear. It is omnipresent and omniscient. God is forever before me, in me and around me. I am immersed in this purity of Divine Love. There is no separation. I know that this Absolute, Unconditional Love responds to my every thought. I …
The Universe is Home
The Universe is Homeby Carol S. Helms, RScP Today I stand firmly in and walk, talk, pray and praise the Good that is the Universe. I stand in the knowing that I am one with the Essence that created everything and everyone, and it is in that place that I set aside my ego and fill the void with grace, graciousness and gratitude that I, and only I, am the one who determines what I …
Forgivenessby Nancy Bowers, RScP Life happens. Sometimes it is messy and ugly and appears to be nothing that we would ever consciously choose. And yet, there we are. There I am. Caught is a situation that makes me feel less than connected, less than blessed, or just plain less than. Ugh. I return to affirmative prayer. I return to that place of allowing. That place of non-judgment, no condemnation. What an interesting juxtaposition! Noticing all …
As They Are
As They Areby Nancy R Bowers, RScP “Let all things be exactly as they are.” ~Lesson 268, A Course in Miracles “Nothing outside you can ever give you what you’re looking for.” ~Katie, Byron. Question Your Thinking, Change the World (p. 1). Hay House. Kindle Edition. “As you begin to see that everything you’re waiting, working, or hoping for in the future is already here now, within you, it challenges and changes the way you think, …
I Surrender to the Infinite Potential
I Surrender to the Infinite Potentialby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries Divine Spirit, everywhere, is the creation before us. God is all there is, expressing through everyone and everything. God is the peaceful calm and order, the resting place of all things. In this place, I am one with God. I am in this resting place of peaceful calm and order. I am aligned with the Divine that is the presence and power …