How Sweet the Clarity of God

How Sweet the Clarity of God by Nancy Bowers, RScP God is the Constant Presence where confusion falls away and Goodness steps in. When I feel lost, I am, in truth, lonely for a Heart that never left me, a Tenderness that always surrounds me, a steadfast Friend I can count on. I have been longing for a Connection that was never lost. God is Here. God is Now. God is Always.  That can never …

How Sweet the Clarity of God

  Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, May 31st, 2015 9 AM and 11 AM “Releasing the Mistaken Identity” For years many of us toil under the notion that we are separate from God.  Not so.  Each of us is made in the image and likeness of the Divine and we are each part of It.  God is Beauty and I am beauty.  God is Love and …