Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

Outside of Time

Outside of Timeby Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D. RScP Outside of timeIs a realm that is Endless. You and I may know it as the now.It is where everything happens. Where I lose myself into the whatever is happeningIt is both intimate and expansive.Beyond space and timeIntangible. It is like absorption and engagement.The eternal now.Eternal oneness. Some may call it flow.Others the zone.Still others joyOr harmony. Being and becoming.Contentment and extension.Stillness and movement. Some may call …

The How 

The How by Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D., RScP It’s not the amount of time I have, it’s how I use my time.  It’s not the amount of life I have, it’s how I live my life in  the amount of time that’s mine.   I choose to live my life with deliberateness, intentionality, boundaries, compassion and love for myself and others.  I choose to create space and life and light for  myself  – – –  Myself, …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

Prayer for Slowing Down

Prayer for Slowing Downby Sue Hoadley, Former RScP The Source of Life is Eternal, Infinite, Timeless. It is larger than all and still beyond all human concept of scope in space or time. I am aware that we humans race around our beautiful planet, making ourselves stressed, out of breath, worried by the erroneous belief that we will somehow run out of time…we don’t have enough time, hurry up! hurry up! I know what the …

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Using Time Constructively

Using Time Constructively by Nancy Bowers, RScP “My intention is to use time constructively for the relearning of what it means to abide in the Kingdom of Heaven and to fulfill my function.  My function is healing.  And healing requires the presence of Christ, for only Christ can express the Love that brings healing into being.”  —The Way of Mastery, Shanti Christo Foundation I breathe into the heart-space where the Divine lives and return to …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

Outside of Time

Outside of Timeby Tilia Giron, RScP Outside of timeIs a realm that is Endless. You and I may know it as the now.It is where everything happens. Where I lose myself into the whatever is happeningIt is both intimate and expansive.Beyond space and timeIntangible. It is like absorption and engagement.The eternal now.Eternal oneness. Some may call it flow.Others the zone.Still others joyOr harmony. Being and becoming.Contentment and extension.Stillness and movement. Some may call It God.I …

Rev. Martha Quintana. Senior Minister

This Prayer: Health, Wealth, and Time

This Prayer: Health, Wealth, and Timeby Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister There is One Life. This Life is God’s Life. This Life is Perfect. This Life is Everything – Peace, Joy, Happiness, Good, Health, Freedom, and Infinite Blessings. This Life, the One I call God, has been the Life-Force for Forever and is Original Cause and Original Blessing. It can be no other way. I am born of Original Blessing and Original Cause. I am …

Dianne Martin, RScP

“If I could put Time in a Bottle…” JIM CROCE

“If I could put Time in a Bottle…” JIM CROCE by Dianne Martin, RScP There is only one source, one first cause, eternal life. Within the eternal clock of God that flows through me is productivity, efficiency, mindfulness, consciousness, and passion. I am blessed with enough time. And, as I know that is true for me, I know that is true for each person reading this prayer. Time is a human measure in which I …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

Prayer for Slowing Down

Prayer for Slowing Down by Sue Hoadley, RScP The Source of Life is Eternal, Infinite, Timeless. It is larger than all and still beyond all human concept of scope in space or time. I am aware that we humans race around our beautiful planet, making ourselves stressed, out of breath, worried by the erroneous belief that we will somehow run out of time…we don’t have enough time, hurry up! hurry up! I know what the …

Using Time Constructively

Using Time Constructively Nancy Bowers, RScP “My intention is to use time constructively for the relearning of what it means to abide in the Kingdom of Heaven and to fulfill my function.  My function is healing.  And healing requires the presence of Christ, for only Christ can express the Love that brings healing into being.”  —The Way of Mastery, Shanti Christo Foundation I breathe into the heart-space where the Divine lives and return to the …

“If I could put Time in a Bottle…” JIM CROCE

 The Daily Prayer 09.24.2015 “If I could put Time in a Bottle…” JIM CROCE Dianne Martin, RScP There is only one source, one first cause, eternal life. Within the eternal clock of God that flows through me is productivity, efficiency, mindfulness, consciousness, and passion. I am blessed with enough time. And, as I know that is true for me, I know that is true for each person reading this prayer. Time is a human measure in which …