One in All Things

One in All ThingsBy Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director I am filled with gratitude at the wonder of Spirit revealing Itself as each one of us, expressing as our lives, as our loves, as the unfolding perfection that we are. We are bound together as the One Life, living It as It lives us. I and Universe are One in all things. Knowing this to be true, I know that all appearances of lack …

A Prayer for the Nation

A Prayer for the Nationby Chris Duvall, RScP I speak a word for myself and for all readers of this prayer for a continual knowing of the Highest Vibration of the Greatest and Most Powerful Love, the Most Brilliant Light, the Deepest and Most Penetrating Truth and for our sending forth of Its Pure Energy throughout our land during this election season and beyond. I humbly surrender anything I’m looking at, thinking about, feeling, and …

Truth Flows Through Me

Through Flow Through Meby Chris Duvall, RScP In the midst of busy-ness, I stop to take a deep breath. I remember the Divine One as Inspiration, Intelligence and the Power of Creative Love. Truth flows through me doing all that needs to be done. I allow false ideas about lack or limitation to fall away, and I relax in faith. I delegate to Spirit. I feel joy in knowing I am free to rest, because …

The Truth of the Moment

The Truth of the Momentby Robyn Rice Olmstead, Practitioner Emeritus In this moment I allow everything to fall by the way side. To stand in the unknown with nothing encroaching from the past and no wayward thoughts towards the future. Only the Truth of the moment that is Love. Pure, LOVE. That which is the essence of the Divine. The name is unimportant. Be it Buddha, Allah, Yeshua, the Universe… by any name it is …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

The Light

The Lightby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP Though I walk in the midst of sorrow, I am, nevertheless, the light shining in the darkness. For I know the truth of who and what I am. I know the truth of me. And I know that that truth and that light and that brightness and that radiance that lives within me is stronger and brighter and more powerful than the sorrow and grief that also lives here. …

The Truth of the One

The Truth of the Oneby Yvette Trujillo, RScP Living in such a fast-paced world, it can be hard to pause long enough to catch your breath and this experience can sometimes be overwhelming. But I know that amid all the frustrations there is a power and presence that is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. I remember the truth of the One Life by looking around me at the shifting of seasons that I have been longing …

Absolutes Of Your Truth

Absolutes Of Your Truthby Rev Bonny Allen Rice, Minister Ernest Holmes FINAL CONCLUSIONpage 423 Science Of Mind Textbook “The essence of spiritual mind healing – and of all true religious philosophy – is an inner realization of the Presence of Perfection within and around about. It is the hope of heaven, the voice of God proclaiming: “I am that which thou art, thou art that which I am.” Consciousness Transformedpage 276 Joel Goldsmith “Let the …

Lovater Jones, RScP

I Am Whole

I Am Wholeby Lovater H. Jones, RScP “Body, mind and spirit are not separated, isolated parts of life.  They are a unity.  We merely call different aspects of this unity by different names. Our mind is not separated from our body.  Our body is not separated from that infinite Intelligence which created it, neither is our mind apart from the One Mind or Spirit.” Ernest Holmes, A New Design for Living This quote represents the …

No Condemnation, No Regrets

No Condemnation, No Regretsby Nancy Bowers, RScP Sometimes something happens and I wish I could turn back the hands of time – stuff the words back into my mouth; change my reaction.  But I can’t.  I have only now and in this now, all I can do is choose love.  All I can do is learn from my mistakes.  So, I surrender my heart to God.  I allow His Love to return me to my …