Kathy Mathiason, RScP

I Live in Perfect Love

I Live in Perfect Loveby Kathy Mathiason, RScP There is One Life, Perfect Love, One Energy, One Ultimate Power in the Universe. This Divine Essence is in through, around and enlivens all Life. And as I know this for everything I see, everything I touch, everything I taste I know this for myself. I am created in Its image and likeness. For I know this Essence, which I call God, has generously gifted me with …

Showing Up for Love

Showing Up for Loveby Nancy Bowers, RScP As humans, we love specialness, so Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate that.  It is not the celebration of Divine Love.  Divine Love is unconditional.  Forgiving.  Complete.  No, today we celebrate human love with all its complicated messiness.  With that in mind, I offer you this quote by Courtney A Walsh: Dear Human Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong.You didn’t come here to master unconditional love.That …

Greg Gardner, RScP

Month of Love

Month of Love by Greg Gardner, RScP Valentines Day is a day of love? February is a month of love? Bah humbug!   February is a month of love. January was a month of love (did you forget and miss out?) March is a month of love (don’t forget now!)   Today is a day of love. Yesterday was a day of love (did you forget and miss out?) Tomorrow is a day of love …

Showing Up for Love

Showing Up for Loveby Nancy Bowers, RScP As humans, we love specialness, so Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate that.  It is not the celebration of Divine Love.  Divine Love is unconditional.  Forgiving.  Complete.  No, today we celebrate human love with all its complicated messiness.  With that in mind, I offer you this quote by Courtney A Walsh: “Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong. You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. This …

Greg Gardner, RScP

Month of Love

Month of Love by Greg Gardner, RScP Valentines Day is a day of love? February is a month of love? Bah humbug!   February is a month of love. January was a month of love (did you forget and miss out?) March is a month of love (don’t forget now!)   Today is a day of love. Yesterday was a day of love (did you forget and miss out?) Tomorrow is a day of love …

New Valentine’s Items

The Bookstore Committee and volunteers want to thank you for your patience with us at checkout. Now, your checkout will now be much quicker, thanks to the new Point of Sale that was generously donated to the Bookstore by Roxanna & Stanley Myers and Anonymous! So come in and do your Valentine shopping with us.  We have restocked Soy votive candles for love, healing, abundance, good health , money and spirit. We have beautiful heart …