In the Quiet of Winterby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries In this quiet time of Winter, the barren trees are still flowing with Divine Energy unseen in the roots. I too am still and quiet, stripped down to my Essential Self in this time of reflection, rooted in the Divine. As I enter into the stillness, I know who and what I am: an expression of the One Loving Source in the here …
A Prayer for Equanimity
A Prayer for Equanimityby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Because God is All, because Spirit infuses the Universe with Power, Creativity, Love, Peace, Joy, I know I am one with It, and all who read this are one with It. Being one with Spirit, I am blessed. The Power of Spirit is available to me. Despite the news of the world, I am at peace. I know that, just like me and you, there are millions of …
Footprints in the Snow . . .
Footprints in the Snow . . .by Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP I’ve come to love these frigid bleak snow-filled days n nights after allAnd find them truly deeply warm and special. They bring me to treasureThe warmth of the indoorsFamily and homeAs we closet ourselves inside, lit fires and pets nearby.Mindful of my blessings. Although snugly nested against the cold,A nod from Spirit reminds me I enjoyThe feel of the coldRefreshing on my cheeksWhen we …
A Prayer for Equanimity
A Prayer for Equanimityby Marilyn O’Leary Because God is All, because Spirit infuses the Universe with Power, Creativity, Love, Peace, Joy, I know I am one with It, and all who read this are one with It. Being one with Spirit, I am blessed. The Power of Spirit is available to me. Despite the news of the world, I am at peace. I know that, just like me and you, there are millions of people …
Lesson of the Bluebirds
Lesson of the Bluebirdsby Tilia Giron, RScP Today, the snow fallsAnd the air is frigid, Beyond crisp.And yet, the bluebirds frolic. Even dance. It appears with joyAnd frivolity, delightSeemingly enthralled with theBriskness of the gales as theyToss around and upside down. What joy!I can’t help but marvel atWhat a way to meet encumbrancesWith a full and head-on attitude. ‘Bring it on’ they seem to say withRelish and excitementAs they hasten to meet the storm. May …
A Prayer for Equanimity
A Prayer for Equanimityby Marilyn O’Leary Because God is All, because Spirit infuses the Universe with Power, Creativity, Love, Peace, Joy, I know I am one with It, and all who read this are one with It. Being one with Spirit, I am blessed. The Power of Spirit is available to me. Despite the news of the world, I am at peace. I know that, just like me and you, there are millions of people …
In the Quiet of Winter
In the Quiet of Winterby Kamatara Johnson, RScP In this quiet time of Winter, the barren trees are still flowing with Divine Energy unseen in the roots. I too am still and quiet, stripped down to my Essential Self in this time of reflection, rooted in the Divine. As I enter into the stillness, I know who and what I am: an expression of the One Loving Source in the here and now. So, I …
Footprints in the Snow . . .
Footprints in the Snow . . . by Tilia Giron, RScP I’ve come to love these frigid bleak snow-filled days n nights after all And find them truly deeply warm and special. They bring me to treasure The warmth of the indoors Family and home As we closet ourselves inside, lit fires and pets nearby. Mindful of my blessings. Although snugly nested against the cold, A nod from Spirit reminds me I enjoy The feel …