The Watchful Eye of the Divine

The Watchful Eye of the Divineby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Spirit is everywhere present. In the beauty we see around us, in the wonder of the weather, in the day to day simplicity of our lives. I know that my life is the One Life expressing. I am full of beauty, full of wonder and full simplicity. That is the truth of all life. Knowing this I know that the Divine is always present …

We Are Who Is God

We Are Who Is Godby Liza Kerr, RScP The mountains are calling and I must go…John Muir Whenever I venture out into the wilderness and explore, hike, camp, laugh and have fun something extraordinary happens. All of the things I thought I was worried about and stressing over just slip away and suddenly I am living in the moment. Nothing else matters. In no time at all the myriads of things that I had been …

The Wonder of Creation

The Wonder of Creationby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director It is all around us. The wonder of Creation. It is our very essence. This mystery of life is ours in every moment. We are that mystery! That mystery is us! I know, therefore, that each one of us is beautiful beyond measure. That withing each of us resides the perfect, untouched, absolutely mysterious essence. I know that my life is the unfolding of that mystery …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

I Wonder What Will Happen Next

I Wonder What Will Happen Nextby Rev. Kamatara Johnson The Centers for Spiritual Living Global Theme for January is all about reconnecting with the wonder that is life. At first, I thought: what an empty platitude. I KNOW. Nature is beautiful, our bodies are a marvel, and if you want to connect with God, then get into AWE by looking around you. And, I was resistant as well because I was feeling melancholy, disappointed by …

Reconnecting with Wonder

Reconnecting with Wonderby Kamatara Johnson, RScP With these words, I take a deep breath. I raise my awareness of the Presence of the Divine. I drop into my heart space and open up to the sacred nature of this moment, this breath, this life. I am, you are, the place where the Divine is expressing; there is no separation, only One Heart, one Mind, One Love.  So I recognize the Divine in me and the …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

In Wonder

In Wonder by Sue Hoadley, RScP In every moment, may our hearts and minds be fully awake to the shimmering wonder of Life! God the Loving Maker of all that is, the breath of my aliveness, the creator of color and fresh air, sunshine and light dusting of snow, sparking streams flowing gently down the rocky riverbed, oh the wonder of it all and the impermanence of it all, I give thanks! Knowing that we …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

In Wonder

In Wonder by Sue Hoadley, RScP In every moment, may our hearts and minds be fully awake to the shimmering wonder of Life! God the Loving Maker of all that is, the breath of my aliveness, the creator of color and fresh air, sunshine and light dusting of snow, sparking streams flowing gently down the rocky riverbed, oh the wonder of it all and the impermanence of it all, I give thanks! Knowing that we …

We Are Who Is God

We Are Who Is God Liza Kerr, RScP The mountains are calling and I must go…John Muir Whenever I venture out into the wilderness and explore, hike, camp, laugh and have fun something extraordinary happens. All of the things I thought I was worried about and stressing over just slip away and suddenly I am living in the moment. Nothing else matters. In no time at all the myriads of things that I had been …

We Are Who Is God

We Are Who Is God Liza Kerr, RScP The mountains are calling and I must go…John Muir Whenever I venture out into the wilderness and explore, hike, camp, laugh and have fun something extraordinary happens. All of the things I thought I was worried about and stressing over just slip away and suddenly I am living in the moment. Nothing else matters. In no time at all the myriads of things that I had been …

Maria Dion, RScP - Trusting Wholeness To Express

The Heart of Wonder

What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, August 10th, 2014 9 AM and 11 AM Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister This Thing Called Life Life is the thing that eludes us.  Scientists aren’t really sure what life is and psychologists aren’t really sure what mind is.  They only observe.  We all get to live and experience this life.  It’s a sure thing.  …