The Word of Powerby Dr. Ernest Holmes Excerpt from the Teachings of Jesus in the “Science Of Mind” by Ernest Holmes, Page 475-476: The Word of Power (John 5:26) As the Father has life, so the son has life. Again we have the teaching that there is but One Life, Mind or Spirit. This Life is now our life, and manifests through us as we believe in It. When our word is spoken in this …
What Words Have Power over Illness?
What Words Have Power over Illness?by Chris Duvall, RScP Words backed by belief have power. Science of Mind teaches that denials and affirmations groove helpful habits of thought, and spiritual mind treatments deliver manifestations. Lives are changed when words reveal Truth. Yet Truth sometimes surprises, because we’ve believed lies for so long. Through 20 years of practicing Science of Mind, I’ve discovered faith-words that I use like prescriptions to combat conditions of ill health. But …
The Power of Your Thoughts, Words, and Actions
The Power of Your Thoughts, Words, and Actionsby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP First and foremost, bring yourself to a conscious awareness of the “I AM”. As God is, know that you are, too. God is Love, Peace, Perfect Outcome, Comfort, Joy, Energy, and Stamina. As you sit in this awareness of God expressing in, through, and around you, embrace perfect outcomes, joy, and well-being. So take this very moment, in the now, to embrace self-love …
The Law Works!
The Law Works!by Kathy Masthiason, RScP “The Law does not give us what we want; the Law gives us what we give It.” Robert H. Bitzer, How to Make Your Mental Computer Work For You I know that there is a perfect, precise, impersonal, all knowing, ever-present, and powerful Law in the Universe. I know It works in my life and I depend on it, always. It gives back to me in amounts greater than …
The Law Works!
The Law Works!by Kathy Masthiason, RScP “The Law does not give us what we want; the Law gives us what we give It.” Robert H. Bitzer, How to Make Your Mental Computer Work For You I know that there is a perfect, precise, impersonal, all knowing, ever-present, and powerful Law in the Universe. I know It works in my life and I depend on it, always. It gives back to me in amounts greater than …
Wordsby Greg Gardner, RScP We get what we put out there in life- Words are like boomerangs- you put them out there and they come back to you- just like planting seeds. “The gardener goes forth in faith to sow his seeds. He has learned that as he sows, so shall he reap, that the Law works the same for all alike.” Ernest Holmes SOM text pg. 39 “We are thinking, willing, knowing conscious centers …
Words Have Power
Words Have Power by Lovater H. Jones, RScP “The effect will always equal its cause. It can never be more, less nor different.” Ernest Holmes, “How to Use the Science of Mind” When I was a youngster, I was of the impression that my private thoughts were known only by me. I have come to know that I am surrounded by a Presence, a Law that takes the impress of my words and thoughts and …
Beautiful Visions
Beautiful Visions by Chris Duvall, RScP I recognize Causal Energy and Will from the Universal Heart of the Highest Vibration of Love. This is the Inclusive Omni Power, Presence and Intelligence, the Oneness & Wholeness from which All originates. All of Life is of this Great I AM. As we recognize It, surrender into It, and allow It to saturate us with Its Understanding, we arise into Its Well-Being and speak Its Word of Power. …
Words Have Power
Words Have Powerby Lovater H. Jones, RScP “The effect will always equal its cause. It can never be more, less nor different.” ~Ernest Holmes, “How to Use the Science of Mind” When I was a youngster, I was of the impression that my private thoughts were known only by me. I have come to know that I am surrounded by a Presence, a Law that takes the impress of my words and thoughts and bring …
What Words Have Power over Illness?
What Words Have Power over Illness?by Chris Duvall, RScP Words backed by belief have power. Science of Mind teaches that denials and affirmations groove helpful habits of thought, and spiritual mind treatments deliver manifestations. Lives are changed when words reveal Truth. Yet Truth sometimes surprises, because we’ve believed lies for so long. Through 20 years of practicing Science of Mind, I’ve discovered faith-words that I use like prescriptions to combat conditions of ill health. But …