The Answers I Seek, Are Seeking Me

The Answers I Seek, Are Seeking Me
by Nancy Bowers, RScP

In this moment, right here, right now, I recognize that God is all there is. Spirit is Everything. It is the Life Breath, the Essence of Everything, the pulse, the animation of it All. And in this moment, I feel myself swimming in it, breathing it, surrounded by a Love so pure, so intense, it presses me to notice It. to pay attention, to wake up to NOW. I feel it pull me into Joy. I find Peace, I find the Goodness, the Sweetness of Being.

For that one life that animates everything is my life, for I cannot be separate from It. It is mine and it is yours. I see it in you. I notice the Perfection even in seemingly imperfect moments. I know who you are, I know your unlimited potential, your sublime awesome – how you light up a room when you walk in. I notice the glow that surrounds you, the beings of light that gently guide you. I notice the goodness in your heart even as you fail to notice it in yourself. I know the Truth of who you are. I know that child of God before me is one of God’s anointed ones, a blessing and the blessed – a divine inspiration even in your humanness; perhaps even especially because of your humanness. It makes me laugh with delight.

For I am delighted today. I am delighted to notice how all the answers we were seeking had always been right there – right within reach of our fingertips, waiting to be claimed, waiting to be recognized. It is as if I had been living inside a hidden-picture puzzle where all of the objects I’d been searching for were floating right there, hidden from my view in plain sight. But my sight is perfect now. Spirit whispered my name and in my willingness, I heard it. I heard those melodic tones and peace settled upon me for I knew in that moment, more deeply than I have ever known before, how very blessed I am. How very precious I am in His sight. I am the one that God created to be here to do this work – the work that is not work but an act of Love. It is not that I just do what is in front of me to do, it is that I get to do what is in front of me to do. I get to do it. It is a privilege not a chore. I am privileged and blessed, for I get to do God’s work and that makes me know how lucky I am. I am lucky to hear the call. I am lucky to have recognized it. I am blessed beyond belief.

And so right here, right now, I claim my riches. I claim the goodness that God has showered upon me. I revel in the little things and the big. I savor it all. And I claim for you, my dear, sweet friend, the ability and the willingness to claim the same. I claim for you the right and the desire to know how loved you are and to recognize the blessings that surround you – the ones now seen and the ones yet to be revealed. I claim for you the willingness to surrender to what is, knowing that Spirit is the author of it all, that God’s hand is always there, even in times of seeming misery, offering up blessings if we will but accept them. For I know that there is no order of difficulty for God and because there is no order of difficulty I know that ease is not only possible, but likely. It takes only my willingness to receive and that I gladly do. I accept God’s generosity for me, and with your permission I also accept that generosity for you.

And then I give thanks. I give thanks for the wondrous community known as the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living – for it is such a blessing; it is the support and love I need to remember who I am, to remember who you are. I give thanks to the Practitioner core that reminds me of the Truth of God when I slip and forget. I give thanks for our minister, Rev. Martha Quintana, who holds the consciousness for us and keeps this messiness called life in alignment with God’s true, one purpose, which is Love, which is Peace, which is Kindness. I give thanks for it all, for it is through this community that I stay connected to God. I give thanks for web treatments. I give thanks to all those readings and writing that make these prayers possible.

And then I release my prayer for I know that God has already said. “yes,” that which I seek is already here, floating in this hidden puzzle page, waiting for me to recognize: God is so very amazing.

And So It Is! Amen.

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