Kathy Mathiason, RScP

The Creative Powers of Spirit

The Creative Powers of Spirit
by Kathleen Mathaison, RScP

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

“Disciplining your thought and feeling will heal you, provided you realize that both thought and feeling are the creative powers of the Spirit within you.”  Raymond Charles Barker, The Science of Successful Living

The Spirit and Principle of all Life is love, wellness, harmony, peace and perfection Divine Order is the principle of all life, and Divine Right Action is always in harmony and perfect balance.  Everything in the Universe is the perfect expression of Spirit, manifesting in perfect and right ways.

I focus on the Spiritual Principle of perfection, on the Spiritual Truth of health and wellness and on the Spiritual Truth of Divine Order and Divine right Action in my physical world.  I know God is in the experience and only good can come from it.

I am grateful for the realization and awareness of the Truth that prevails in my life.  The more I acknowledge and give thanks, the more goodness and blessings I experience.  I say it is so, because I know it is so.

And so it is