The Force
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director
It is the “force” of nature that brings the hail and the wind and the sun. This “force” is but the creative activity of the One. The One Spirit, the One God, the One! This force is the force of my life and of every life. I am this creative power of the Universe. I can be nothing else for it is the only thing that exists. As this is my truth, it is the truth of all.
Knowing this I know that every activity of Spirit in my life is perfect. All things are in Divine order. Love is everywhere present and Life is always unfolding perfectly. I know every cell and organ in my body, and every atom and molecule in your body are functioning from the place of perfection for that is the design from the beginning. Every moment is another moment in which perfect health is being revealed.
For this and all that is I am grateful. I know that this prayer is made manifest before the words were spoken. All is complete in the mind of Spirit. So I simply release this into the law knowing that all is well.
And so It is.