The Gift of Knowing

The Gift of Knowing
by Chaplain Tilia Giron RScP

Tilia Giron, RScP

I delight in the Love of The Divine.
I relish in the Source of my Being.
I know from whence I came.
I bless this knowing.

I bless all that brought me to it for the gift of this knowing is far greater than the pain in arriving at this place.

I am blessed.
We are all blessed —knowing or unknowing.

However, it is in the knowing that we are able to claim our light and the many gifts, blessings and love that knowing yields.

I claim that light, grateful for the Light and the many gifts It unfolds. How blessed and loved am I, are you, and are we all.

I give thanks for this knowing, this Love – the very Source of my being which walks with me and about me today, always, and with you and with us all into infinity and beyond.

And so it is!!!