The Gift of The Christ
by Lovater Harris Jones, RScP
“Metaphysically, Mary, the mother of Jesus, represents the soul that magnifies the Lord “daily in the temple” and through its devotion prepares itself for the higher life. She signifies the Divine Motherhood of love. She can also be said to be intuition. Jesus, the perfect-man manifestation, is conceived in the intuitive or soul nature (Mary) and is molded in its substance. The coming of the Christ body into activity is the result of an exalted idea, sown in the mind and nurtured by the soul (Mary). The soul is devout and expectant. It believes in the so-called miraculous as a possibility. Mary expected the birth of the Messiah according to the promise of the Holy Spirit. She was overshadowed by the high idea; it formed in her mind the seed that quickened into the cells and in due season there were aggregations of cells strong enough in their activity to attract the attention of the outer consciousness, and what is called the birth of Christ took place.”
Metaphysical Bible Dictionary (Adapted)
Unity School of Christianity, 1962
This is as clear a description of the Creative Process as one will find any place. It makes clear the immaculate conception of the birth of Jesus, who we know became the Christ!
This lengthy quote is ideal for incorporating into our daily Spiritual Practice the Gift of the Christ! I envision it to be something like this:
1. Quiet the mind. Go within to the place where Spirit dwells. We do this to magnify the Lord “daily in the temple.”
2. In the stillness, focus on and prepare for the “higher ideas of life.” Let’s call this high idea, the Gift of the Christ.
3. Allow (No efforting) your intuitive nature to reveal that which is of a high calling. Remember, we are dealing with an All-Knowing and All-Wise Mind.
4. Know that the perfect and exalted idea (The Christ) is being sown in the mind and is accepted by the soul (Mary). The Mind is now impregnated (planted in the Law/Subjective Mind) with that which has been revealed to your intuitive nature.
5. Become expectant of this great gift! Become overshadowed by this high idea (i.e. embody it, feel it, know it!).
6. The idea formed in your mind is the seed, and within this seed is a prototype/pattern necessary for the Christ to be made manifest.
7. Know that in the fertile soil of the subconscious mind, all the activity necessary for its formation is attracting everything for this idea/this Gift of the Christ to be born in and through you! MERRY CHRISTMAS!