Rev. Kamatara Johnson

The Infinite Field of Love

The Infinite Field of Love
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

When life gets dicey or overwhelming, I remember to return to the Infinite Field of Love. I bring with me, in my heart, anything and everything that is stressing me out: people, events, tasks, finances, health, conditions, materials, perceptions, and experiences. The field is infinite, so there’s plenty of room for all of it. And then I raise my awareness to recognize Love. I imagine it washing over everything in the field like warm sunshine on a brisk winter day. The light of love dissolves any feelings of anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, or resentment that might be brewing in any aspect I have brought to the field. The Divine knows where and what that is and responds with healing balm, creative insights, and gentle grace. 

I am filled with this same love and light. My life settles down into a gentle flow of people, events, and tasks that weave together to make life beautiful and fun. I show up as love and more love in this season of light. And I give thanks for this relief, to surrender it all to the Divine Field of Love, and for the bounty that comes from this place of love. We are all blessed. And so it is.