The Love of God
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director
The Love of God is everywhere present in our world. The incredible wonder of nature and the technical marvels of humanity all are the expression of perfect Love. That same Love that expresses and you and me! WE are the wonder of nature!
As I accept and claim this, I know that all my needs, all RGCSL’s needs, All Needs in fact, are really the mechanism by which Spirit is revealing what we already have. Not only can I say all needs are met, but also that all needs are not needs at all because they are taken care of before I can even name them. Abundance, grace, love, peace, healing and joy are the order of the day. I walk in a love so great I can’t escape it! Each one is the reflection of all goodness in their life. The love of God is right where you are, it is right where I am, it is everywhere!
i am overflowing with gratitude as I lean into this truth. Beyond what I understand is the knowing that it is all conspiring for our good.
So I release it now knowing that it returns fulfilled – indeed it is already fulfilled! I let go of any need for control trusting in the Law.
And So It is! Amen