Nancy Bowers, RScP

The Magic of Gratitude

The Magic of Gratitude
by Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP

In this moment, I pause to sink into gratitude.  I recognize the eternal goodness of God: the generosity I am continually blessed to receive, the love, the joy, and the treasures that abound both in form and in spirit.  I notice how I am forever supported and that everything that happens is a blessing, even when the appearance may seem to contradict that assessment.  I let God judge, knowing I have but a tiny piece of the picture.  I step back and let God lead the way, knowing I can always count on my Father.  I am grateful for my faith, for knowing that God is always for me, never against me.  I am grateful that I can count on Spirit to provide me with all that I need and I am particularly grateful for the awareness that I need never be fearful of lack because my faith in God always returns me to the magic of gratitude.

Peace awaits me here in gratitude’s magic.  As I allow myself to just be present to the bounty that surrounds me, I can feel God’s Love and Support.  I release any doubts that have flooded my mind.  I know that they are not the truth of the Divine.  In this present moment, I am enveloped by the Sweetness of Spirit.  I am provided for.  I am guided.  I am confident sitting on this faith in God, where the magic of gratitude is easy, for God’s assurances are its foundation.

How good it is to be in this place of gratitude!  How loving it feels.  How peaceful.  How thankful I feel to know that this bounty is mine the moment I let go of thinking anything needs to change and simply allow what is to reveal its gifts to me.  Here I am in God’s Peace.  Here I am in God’s Love.  Here God’s Joy is boundless and playful and full of glee.  How sweet it is to feel this childlike delight in simply being and appreciating. 

So, I release any and all notions that anything in life “should” be different.  I trust in God.  I allow the magic of gratitude to swell my heart with appreciation.  Why not come and join me here in this place where the magic of gratitude transforms life into the glorious gift it was always meant to be?  You’ll be glad you did. 

God is good, all of the time. 

And so it is.  Amen.