The Power of Your Thoughts, Words, and Actions
by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP
First and foremost, bring yourself to a conscious awareness of the “I AM”. As God is, know that you are, too. God is Love, Peace, Perfect Outcome, Comfort, Joy, Energy, and Stamina. As you sit in this awareness of God expressing in, through, and around you, embrace perfect outcomes, joy, and well-being.
So take this very moment, in the now, to embrace self-love as your desire – to stand fully in your strength of faith. This is the time to ask Spirit for spiritual guidance and support. Then, allow unfoldment and acceptance to emerge. Know that it is an evolving process that is always in God’s Divine order and God’s timing. You then will experience a strength filled with peace of mind, peace in your heart, and a knowing that all your desires are the same as God’s desires for you. All your senses will be soothed as you affirm that all your endeavors will be under God’s plan.
With much appreciation in your heart for the knowing of your power within, and for all that came forth for you in prayer, remember to release your actions into the power of manifestation of Spiritual Law. Release your words to the action of the Law, knowing that all is well. Declare it so, and call it all good.
And so it is.